{{{1}}} [[w:{{{1}}}|WP]]


Use this template to link text to Wikipedia, in a more elegant way than using the wikipedia: prefix.

It works in a similar way to a piped wikilink.


{{WP|Jock Brandis}} developed the {{WP|Malian peanut sheller}}.


Jock Brandis WP developed the Malian peanut sheller WP.

Changing the display text with {{WP p}}

If the Wikipedia article title is Peter Newman (Australian) but you want it to display as W, then use the {{WP p}} template instead.


  • Unlike normal wiki linking, you cannot add letters at the end of the word, e.g. to make it plural. E.g. normally [[Blog]]s creates Blogs, but {{WP|Blog}}s creates Blog WPs i.e. a mess.
  • Currently doesn't allow piping (but it should be doable to create another template to do this).

Unresolved questions

  • should we use <tt> (teletype text?) to subtly mark the link text (making it clear whether it's the last word that's linked, or the last 2 or more words)?
  • should we use <small> for the "WP"? E.g. "Jock Brandis (WP) developed..." If so, it seems a bit too small for some readers perhaps, and thus confusing; if left as normal size it's a little intrusive perhaps, but quite clear.

See also

  • {{WP p}} - a piped version of {{WP}}.
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