Here on this page, I Johan / Yeahvle, invite you to discuss a couple of aspects of this project.

Do you have additional ideas or perhaps questions about the way i present the theme and why I have these purposes?

Are there further goals and visions that I can add to it, making the concept wider, broader? (of course without losing focus of the original ambitions, purposes and goals)

I would love if the methods could be easily used by anyone. So I invite you to test them out, and give me feedback on how you felt that it worked out for you.

Do you have suggestions on changing, editing, adding anything? If it is spelling or mistakes of smaller things like grammar or stuff like that, feel free to edit the page directly, if you consider yourself able to do so.

Do you have knowledge of other methods that is used in any type of cooking that is beneficial in terms of saving electricity, gas, water, transports? Perhaps together we can attempt to find ways to apply those methods to modern kitchen structures. As long as it is better alternatives to existing waste-ful behaviour. And I am never saying no to hearing about inspirational stories... so hit me with a comment or edit or a line on my talk-page

--Yeahvle 21:25, 20 November 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Information and project explanations

At first the project was simply personal (for me, Johan (the user : Yeahvle ) but I will appreciate further additions and development from other users, if they have some inspiration from cooking in many undeveloped parts of the world. Primarily the article is only about ideas and methods that can be applied to modern kitchen equipment.

A personal ambition right now is to not mention anything about climate crisis, carbon footprint, environmental impact, side effects about waste or anything like that, that potentially could reduce the potential massive impact of this concept. I will use this mindset in a test to try if the focus of this project will be making it more easily adapted by everyone that is normally not interested in living green. I hope you will respect that ambition and follow along in my train of thought, for a while, it is only an effort of me to try to change the focus from the infected climate debate onto the solidarity to all other individuals living now and to those in the future.

I, Johan / Yeahvle, was originally thinking about writing a book on this topic, without telling it is really a promotion for sustainability and green living in modern world, but I would like the information to become spread as fast as possible, and to as many as possible, and I have no interest of personal profit from this project.

So, gradually the article here will sprout and grow with more information, recipes, methods and illustrations. I do not have a camera, so if you attempt to cook something using any of my methods I would be glad if you submitted your photos (small sizes please)(if you upload them solely for this article please use this at the start of your filename "Yeahvle_Cooking" so it will not be lost or erased in the filing cabinets of appropedia)

I hope these simple cooking methods will be appreciated, used by many, become well-known and spread to many, in order to help inspire and change behavior ever so slightly among many in north and western world.

And in a later stage I want to compile and release this project entirely in a book form. Both the article aswell as many of the notes and discussions about how and where it was created. And I will print copies and try to sell at different outlets (second-hand-shops, thrift-stores, used-clothes-markets)

So if you add something/anything to this project, I hope that you will agree with the general Creative Commons licence of appropedia and that you understand you will get no profit at all from your contribution as I plan to donate all future income from this project to other small projects that benefit poor people or improvements to alter the life in richer peoples lives towards nega-watt-thinking or a zero-emission-life.

I know that wikis are better if the articles are written neutrally. And as I mostly write from a very personal point of view, I am trying to change. Please have patience with me, i am trying to go back and edit and alter my texts as I go along.

--Yeahvle 19:59, 20 November 2010 (UTC) --Yeahvle 11:26, 22 November 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Why is this project needed?

Everyone eats food! People eat 2-4 times per day. Storing groceries and preparing it at home uses energy and takes sometimes a long time. Buying ready-made, eating at restaurants or ordering take-out often requires driving with a car, that wastes also a lot of money and fuel. With learning some smart methods families get knowledge that potentially can cut their electricity costs for cooking in half!

Why not start somewhere else? Everything else that people do is very individual and difficult to make simple changes to. Buildings are difficult and expensive to re-build and retro-fit with more insulation in the walls and/or multiple-glazed windows. Cars is sometimes needed by people depending on how far away they live from work, shops and the local bus routes.

And people don't really need an instruction or manual to make them take the bike to work, or try to find the closest bus route to make them change those habits.

The best advice those people would benefit from is to plan better, and try to move closer to their work place some time in the future, or choose their next home depending on its energy-efficiency and location relative to shops and collective transport systems like bus-routes/subway-stations and so on. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by 19:34, 27 November 2010, Yeahvle


Some comments about the article:

  • Title: the article title is prone to date quicklyW when newer cooking methods appear, and does not clearly reflect the article contents, which are specifically about low-energy cooking in modern kitchens, without regard to when the methods originated or were adopted. Also, the word "methods" appears unnecessary, because cooking is unavoidably about methods. Even the word "modern" will eventually become dated, but that should be OK for a few decades if we cannot think of a more durable term. Thus I suggest moving the article to:
Yes, I agree that this title is strange, but I think the first word should be Cooking or Food. I still haven't worked out the best option yet. And would like to hear some more suggestions, especially versions that keep it open to being used in another technique I am going to write about: "Food storage with reducing energy in modern kitchens" --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • The "why" should be separate from the "how", perhaps in a separate advocacy article. Readers will probably divide into two groups:
    • Those who need to be convinced they should cook with less energy. (Not ready for the "how" yet.)
    • Those who are already convinced. (Probably less interested in the "why" by now.)
Yes, I agree, but have not worked out exactly how to draw the line.--Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • Departures from Wikipedia Manual of Style.W I am still relatively inexperienced on Appropedia (most of my editing has been on WikipediaW) so I do not know to what extent this site intends to adhere to Wikipedia's style. If the intent is to style our articles similar to Wikipedia's, I can easily do that here.
I have no to little experience of wiki and appropedia. And I started to write this article with the intent of publishing the info as a guide-book later. --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • Need links to related content on Appropedia, such as Fireless cookers. A navigation template would help with that. I can make one after I port Wikipedia:Template:Navbox to Appropedia.
  • Need to research similar material available elsewhere online. No need to re-invent wheels.
I have done research. The thing I focus on is ease of application for anyone, without requiring user to build something. And most methods described involve some that can cause spills and unneccessary difficult manouevres: lifting a pot and placing it inside a tight fitting box or vessel. So many users will not continue using the techniques when they feel it is too much cleaning up afterwards. So it is the simplicity of the actions I want to promote. --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • Additional tips or benefits not mentioned:
    • Replace charred stove drip pans with shiny chrome-plated new drip pans. Up to 30% energy saving immediately, because the shiny pan reflects infrared radiation back up to the pot. A charred black drip pan absorbs infrared radiation and gets hotter, re-radiating heat away from pot. I have personally tried this and noted I was able to turn down the stove a step while getting the same cooking time.
I do not want this project to involve unneccesary investment. And you see that I focus primarily on electrical stoves, they are the most common in european homes. Yes, a black object gets heated up, but releasing that energy slowly straight upwards. so don't worry about it too much --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • Modern insulated pots allow fireless cooking techniques: the cook initially warms the inner pot on the burner for 10 minutes, then places the heated inner pot in the insulated outer pot to continue cooking without additional heat. I have not personally gotten around to trying this, but I intend to.
Somehow proves my point : being a bit too tricky to try. simply use a lid and place the heated pot on a stone or thick hard-wood-board. That improves the efficiency quite a bit. --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • Using less energy to cook is advantageous in hot weather, as it reduces undesirable heat gain in the house. This lets the air conditioner use less energy, or improves comfort if no air conditioning is used.

--Teratornis 13:28, 9 January 2011 (PST)

  • And keep the drip pan clean to avoid charring it again with new spills. Wash it off after any spill, rather than cooking again over the spilled material, which will bake and char it into the pan surface. --Teratornis 13:31, 9 January 2011 (PST)
There should not be any spills if the method is very simple. --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
  • Also need to quantify the gains from different techniques. How much energy (or money, or carbon emissions) can someone save by adopting these techniques? What fraction of a typical person's utility bill goes to cooking? Just knowing that something is "better" is not enough. People need to know how much better. --Teratornis 13:34, 9 January 2011 (PST)
Again, as I go for the simplest education style, just saying a little lower utility bill is enough incentive for many to try it for themselves. Compare with low-energy light bulbs, noone really does the math when buying those, we just change, because it is general knowledge. So I do not fully agree with "People need to know how much".
Thanks a lot for all your comments! I appreciate it! --Yeahvle 01:15, 10 January 2011 (PST)
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