Should we link from this book?

Great to have your book here, Rob - I hope it's a great benefit!

On most wikipages, we link relevant terms to the main page on that topic, e.g. solar cells & greywater. My feeling is that this mightn't be suitable here, as the book is kind of a self-contained work. However if people take advantage of the open license, and copy sections to other parts of the wiki, then those parts can be linked in the usual way.

Of course, I have no objection to the book linking to, say, the Appropedia page on composting toilets - that's good for Appropedia. And it would be useful for the reader, though they may on occasion go off reading elsewhere and get distracted. But then on other occasions they might go reading elsewhere and find something relevant to improve the book - that's a good argument for doing the linking. Another argument for it is that this is normal wiki conduct and it saves having to encourage/enforce different behavior here.

What do you think? --Chriswaterguy 00:19, 18 September 2008 (PDT)

Using this content elsewhere

If content from this book (either the 1st edition, or the "in-progress" version) is copied elsewhere on the wiki, then attribution should be given. It would be good to have a notice, somewhat like the {{pd source}} template, but more attractive (e.g. rounded like the {{OSNCon navbar}}).

I'm not sure what the legal issues are with attribution (i.e. is it regarded as part of the wiki not needing specific attribution, or is it recognized as a separate thing?) But giving specific attribution, and I would strongly encourage it.

Just wanted to raise the issue. Now, I need to sleep. --Chriswaterguy 00:24, 18 September 2008 (PDT)

Trying to add the CC button

I talked with Rob about using a dual license for this work - CC-BY-SA as well as (at least... I'm pretty sure we talked about it)

Just for the record... I'm working on getting a CC-BY-SA button onto the header template. At the moment it's a mess, like this:

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a>
The Transition Handbook by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Rob Hopkins and the community at Appropedia</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License</a>.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <a xmlns:cc="" href="" rel="cc:morePermissions"></a>.

...but I'm seeking help. --Chriswaterguy 11:12, 3 October 2008 (PDT)

Other people

Besides the Hunzakuts (or Burusho')s, there are other similar communities that can be mentioned as the Okinawans, the inhabitants from the high mountain valley of Villcabamba in South America and inhabitants in South Georgia, see

However, I guess only the Okinawans and Burusho's (latter only partly) actually also strive to a environmentally and healthy way of life. 13:34, 22 February 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Getting involved

The "getting involved" section should describe this coarse of action: -The following of AT coarses at centra (see below) -Use of the sites locating environmental work opportunities as treehugger, AIDA, worldchanging can then be a next step after having followed some basic training.

The coarses would provide benefits to both sides, perhaps the coarses can be given free of charge. Alternatively, perhaps some deals with AT organisations and/or AT/ecocities (eg Auroville, ...) can be made, such as free coarses for free work done in the cities, ...

Resources to obtain content to make AT-coarses can be got from , , and perhaps Peace Corps, and military engineers ( ) as ,and or other AT-organisations, practical coarses on AT can be given. I have seen that even small organisations as the New House Farm ( ) provides coarses, so it can be done. This would be an extension to the documents and could be combined with my proposed 'low-cost education system' see,_politics_and_education#Open_source.2C_base-education_e-learning_platform

As the coarses provide thus benefits to both sides, perhaps the coarses can be given free of charge. Alternatively, perhaps some deals with AT organisations and/or AT/ecocities (eg Auroville, ...), monastries, ... can be made, such as free coarses for free work done in the cities, ...

The sites locating environmental work oppoertunities as treehugger, AIDA, worldchanging can then be a next step after having followed some basic training. The training would make sure that the applicants can make the essential energy, water supply, food systems themself, DIY and possibly from local material (alternatively they can obtain only some difficult parts from kits eg trough mail order; info can be given at appropedia/PESwiki). This to ensure that even without a large supporting group they can set up sustainable cities. At the moment, this is done by a group of engineers focusing on a single large project. However due to the current deadline, this is no longer possible (within 10 years, allot of emission reductions need to have been done already). Also it restricts the amount of projects that can be executed and limits own/free choice.

-- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by, 25 February 2009

Deletion proposal

Keep: I strongly prefer to keep these pages, as people may follow existing links to this site, and there is no harm in leaving this explanation here, to be updated as any developments occur. Having links to related pages on the wiki would be good, though - once the Appropriate living manual is online here, it may be suitable to link this from the notice template on TTH pages. --Chriswaterguy 15:36, 20 September 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

There are no objections here, so I'll remove the deletion notices. Of course the notice template that remains can be edited as appropriate. --Chriswaterguy 07:17, 5 October 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Just curious if there were any updates? Olivier C 14:26, 31 January 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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