Mech 425 Green IT Project: ECM Feedback

Approdia Page Feedback

  • The page looks great, well communicated, the only problem i see is that the literature review might be linked wrong. I am not sure if your lit. review and ECM are two different documents or the same.

ECM Feedback

  • The "Cost of Internet per Employee" is that just the total cost of internet services for your company divided by the total number of employees? And units might be nice. (i.e. [$/person])
  • A little bit more explanation on the input page would be good. The last input "block" where "phone", and "keyboard" are listed, what are they? are they capital costs of hardware to set up a home office? or something else?
  • Consistency on units might be nice as well. Doesn't really effect the out come but just makes it nicer to read through. (i.e. make all cells that denote cost formatted as "currency")
  • Maybe note somewhere other then just on the "projected Savings" page, the total capital and operating costs of the equipment
  • Not sure what is going on but the IRR formula doesn't see to be kicking back a number
  • Are the plots of "Total CO2 savings" and "Oil Savings" cumulative or just net per year?
  • Could add a plot of net and cumulative money savings
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