Hey, I just went through to edit your article. There were a few small gramatical errors that I switched right on your page that you can have a look at. I also found a few awkward sentences and paragraphs that I thought I'd just show you here so that you can use your own discretion in changing them as I may have missed the point. So here are the parts that I thought needed work and some possible fixes:

Original 1:(in the first section) "Plasma Spray Processing is a process in which a material is able to be given a protective coating through the form of a plasma spray." Edit 1: "Plasma Spray Processing is a method of giving a material a protective coating through the form of a plasma spray."

Original 2: (In "Theory") "The theory behind this process is called "Plasma Jet Theory" but has also been known to be called "Plasma Flame Theory" even though there is no flame in the process at all." Edit 2: "The theory behind this process is called "Plasma Jet Theory" or "Plasma Flame Theory" even though there is no flame involved in the process."

Original 3: (In "Properties of Plasma Spray Coating") "The flow is mostly ruled by the velocity of the spray particle when contacting the surface. A difference in quality of the coatings is resulted from the degree of melting and the amount of kinetic energy that is in the spray particles." Edit 3: "Spray particle velocity upon contacting the surface is the main ruling factor for flow. Varying coating quality is caused by differences in the degree of melting and the amount of kinetic energy that is in the spray particles."

Original 4: (In "Properties of Plasma Spray Coating") "When the spray coating is building up, the laminate is overlapping one another." Edit 4: During the spray coating application layers of laminate overlap one another.

Original 5: (In "Properties of Plasma Spray Coating") "If the surface of the object is cooled by a jet with compressed air or carbon dioxide, cooling rates of 10^6 K/s can be reached; although residual stress caused by this rapid cooling can lead to a loss in strength over the bulk of the material." Edit 5: "If the surface of the object is cooled by a jet with compressed air or carbon dioxide, cooling rates of 10^6 K/s can be reached; although residual stress caused by this rapid cooling can lead to a loss in strength over the bulk of the material."

Original 6: (In "Processing of Plasma Spray Coating")"Different plasma spray processes can be used and by using different parameters the porosity may end up being lower than 1% or end up being very high for the case of porous coatings. Porosity in a sprayed coating may be controlled by the use of a very coarse spray powder, by introducing the powder far downstream in a plasma jet or even by using a low-energy plasma." Edit 6:Different plasma spray processes can be used and with different parameters a porosity of less than 1% may result, or inversely, the porosity may be very high for the case of porous coatings. Porosity in a sprayed coating can be controlled by the use of a very coarse spray powder. Introducing the powder far downstream in a plasma jet or by using a low-energy plasma can provide such a coarse spray powder.

Original 7: (In "Processing of Plasma Spray Coating")"The major place where all of this strength is formed is within the inter-particle bonding." Edit 7: "The majority of the plasma strength is formed is within the inter-particle bonding."

K, so that looks like alot but it's really not and overall it's a good article. Based on what Dr. Pearce said on Friday, you may want to add more information of efficiency optimization as that is supposed to be "the meat and potatoes" of the article. Good work though.


Ditto - to the last comment -- get into the peer reviewed literature hard in section 5, choose one of the ideas that looks the most promising and then quantify your suggestion -- working in some calculations to prove your point.

Minor suggestions : Fix headers,tie into appropedia with hyperlinks, use existing site resources to explain basic concepts, put your page into the proper category

--Joshua 16:18, 19 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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