Uses[edit source]

Following uses can be mentioned:

  • Exterior antiseptic medicine (treatment of burns, skin infections, boils, ...)
     -some plants used include Chickweed, Catnip, Skullcap, Elder and Onions
  • Treatment of mouth problems (tooth ache, aphtous ulcers, ...)
     -some plants used are Chickweed, Dandelion, Nettle, Hops, Cheyenne, Golden Seal, St. John's Wart
  • Wound treatment and skin re-hydration
     -some plants used for these issues are Buckhorn Bark, Calendula, Lavender, Aloe Vera 
  • Ear treatment medicines
     -some plants used for these aliments include Hops, Origanum, Rosemary, Lemon juice both pure and diluted  
  • Treatment of respiratory problems
     -some plants used include Skunk Cabbage, Thyme, Flax seed, Lung Wort, Blue Violet, Ginseng, Hops, Rosemary   
  • Treatment of fever (colds, ...)
     -Some plants used include Sage, Peppermint, Ginseng, Ginger, Camomile, Nettle, Dandelion 
  • Digestion relaxing medicines (stomach, intestines)
     -Some plants used to help with these include Dandelion, Water Lilly, Chickweed, Spearmint, Witch Hazel, Golden Seal, Strawberry 
  • Medicines promoting blood circulation (against clogged and/or showing veins, headaches, ...)
     -some plants used to help with this includes Golden Seal, Scullcap, Cheyenne, Bay-Berry Bark, Witch Hazel
  • Plants hindering pain receptors (against headaches, pain of wounds, ...)
     -some plants used to help with this include Catnip, Nettle, Scullcap, Skunk Cabbage, Solomon's Seal, Camomile
  • Plants inducing sleep
     -some plants that help with this include Scullcap, Hops, Nerve Root, Catnip, Peppermint, Lavender
  • Medicines promoting detoxification (blood purification, sweat inducing plants, diuretics, ...)
     -some plants that help with this are Chickweed, Dandelion, St. Johns Wort, Hyssop, Elderberry Leaves, Coral, Holy Thistle
  • Plants against malaria
     -some plants that help with this illness include Allium Sativum, Aloe Gilbertii

KVDP (talk) 08:51, 31 October 2016 (UTC) KitStanfield (edit) 10:30, 25 November 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

How To Use[edit source]

Very fine chopped or Granulated herbs: the best method is to seep them in boiling water for twenty minutes and strain the excess herbs from the water and ingested twice a day for most beneficial outcomes

Roots and Barks: Simmered for at least thirty minutes to extract medicinal value. You may also find ways to grind these into a more loose form and turn them into a powder.

Leaves and Flowers: Most common form to make herbal medicines, usually seeped in boiling water like common teas. These can also be used to make syrups and herbal salves for exterior use


@KitStanfield Hi, I'm going to move this content to the page! Emilio (talk) 17:12, 26 November 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
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