Please help me in this plant design.

Please imagine, You have to connect to the public, MV (13.8kV) grid a 10MWp PV power plant with following features:

- Central inverters (exact size does not matter now), let’s say from Power One

- 2 pieces of 3.5MVA LV/MV transformers. Each 3coil transformer for 2 ULTRA 1400.0-TL-OUTD-690

- 2 pieces of 1250kVA LV/MV transformers. Each 2coil transformer for 1 ULTRA 700.0-TL-OUTD-690

Please draw a basic SLD (even a hand drawing is OK) of the MV SWGR You would propose to use for the connection. Please consider the most economical variant, that does not harm though the needed functionality in any way. Please show where and what protection you would install (You do not have to size the protection, just name it’s type). Again, please submit the absolute necessary version (most economical) that is ensuring safe function. Please size the cables between each transformer and MV SWGR stating the standard used.

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