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"Appropriate technology" thinking in car design

Appropriate technology is not a term that is usually applied to cars, but many of the principles of appropriate technology are relevant.

The W is a rare example of a car that was designed (in the 1930's) for the poorer segment of society, to be extremely efficient and low-cost. And yet it was also considered a very comfortable car, in its own way, with a flexibility of use that many more expensive cars lacked. Its lack of modern safety features make it an unsuitable car for most settings today - however in affordability and efficiency remains unsurpassed. Its remarkable fuel-efficiency is still unsurpassed by modern micro-cars, and perhaps even by the latest petrol-electric hybrid vehicles.W

The W also had many similar characteristics as the 2CV, though not as extreme, eccentric or efficient.

Modern fuel-efficient cars

Modern diesel cars can get better mileage than petrol-electric hybrid vehicles. The Opel Eco Speedster (a concept car) gets up to 113 mpg (2.5 L/100km[1]). See The Opel Eco Speedster Says: Diesels Can Rip and Sip at the Same Time on treehugger.com; or Ultimatecarpage.com page (with a few technical comments).

Retro-fitted technology

Devices to save the energy from braking have been developed to fit to trucks. Due to the expense, they are only cost-effective for large trucks, where heavy fuel use and long distances covered make it worthwhile.[verification needed]


Pedicabs are among the simplest, lowest cost forms of transport. The traditional pedicab is pedal-powered, but motorized pedicabs (perhaps consisting motorcycles with a passenger section attached) are also in use in various cities in Asia.

Vehicle production

A carbon-zero Volvo plant - reports:[

The Volvo Trucks' manufacturing plant in Ghent, Belgium has become the first vehicle manufacturing facility in the world to operate without releasing any carbon dioxide. The Volvo Group intends to make all of their vehicle manufacturing plants carbon-zero as part of the European Union-wide goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by twenty percent by 2020.[2]


  1. This conversion assumes the figure is in imperial gallons. If the 113 mpg is US gallons, that equals 136 mpg in imperial gallons; or 2.1 L/100km)
  2. from The Web of Hope Newsletter, October 2007

External links

  • Earth Cars - a U.S. based network of car dealers, with information and tips for earth-friendly cars and car usage.


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