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  • Stephenson, D.G. (1964). "Equations for solar heat gain through windows". Solar Energy 9 (2): 81-86. Retrieved 2012-02-10.
    • Cited 38 times
    • Calculates insolation empirically (20 stations in Scarborough, Ontario)
    • Similar Latitude (Scarborough: 43.78º, Houghton: 47.12º)
    • Variables: time, date, latitude, building orientation, type of glass, and shading
    • Equations for Direct Normal Insolation @ ground level (DNI)...
    • Isolation Charts

  • "Arduino motor/stepper/servo control - How to use". Retrieved 2012-02-10.
    • Reference/requirements for small motor control using arduino microcontroller boards
    • May be useful resource for blind/shade actuation

  • "Arduino playground - InterfacingWithHardware". Retrieved 2012-02-10.
    • Resource for interfacing arduino microcontrollers with many types of hardware
    • Interfacing with temperature sensors potentially useful

  • "Arduino playground - PIDLibrary". Retrieved 2012-02-10.
    • Useful for PID control on arduino
    • contains libraries for PID functions

    Literature Review

    1. Joshua M, Pearce (2002-09). "Photovoltaics — a path to sustainable futures". Futures 34 (7): 663-674. doi:10.1016/S0016-3287(02)00008-3. ISSN 0016-3287.

      Abstract: As both population and energy use per capita increase, modern society is approaching physical limits to its continued fossil fuel consumption. The immediate limits are set by the planet’s ability to adapt to a changing atmospheric chemical composition, not the availability of resources. In order for a future society to be sustainable while operating at or above our current standard of living a shift away from carbon based energy sources must occur. An overview of the current state of active solar (photovoltaic, PV) energy technology is provided here to outline a partial solution for the environmental problems caused by accelerating global energy expenditure. The technical, social, and economic benefits and limitations of PV technologies to provide electricity in both off-grid and on-grid applications is critically analyzed in the context of this shift in energy sources. It is shown that PV electrical production is a technologically feasible, economically viable, environmentally benign, sustainable, and socially equitable solution to society’s future energy requirements.

      • Cited 42 times
      • Useful for background/introduction information
      open access

    2. Kimball, J.W.; Kuhn, B.T.; Balog, R.S. (2009-04). "A System Design Approach for Unattended Solar Energy Harvesting Supply". Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 24 (4): 952-962. doi:10.1109/TPEL.2008.2009056. ISSN 0885-8993.

      Abstract: Remote devices, such as sensors and communications devices, require continuously available power. In many applications, conventional approaches are too expensive, too large, or unreliable. For short-term needs, primary batteries may be used. However, they do not scale up well for long-term installations. Instead, energy harvesting methods must be used. Here, a system design approach is introduced that results in a highly reliable, highly available energy harvesting device for remote applications. First, a simulation method that uses climate data and target availability produces Pareto curves for energy storage and generation. This step determines the energy storage requirement in watt-hours and the energy generation requirement in watts. Cost, size, reliability, and longevity requirements are considered to choose particular storage and generation technologies, and then to specify particular components. The overall energy processing system is designed for modularity, fault tolerance, and energy flow control capability. Maximum power point tracking is used to optimize solar panel performance. The result is a highly reliable, highly available power source. Several prototypes have been constructed and tested. Experimental results are shown for one device that uses multicrystalline silicon solar cells and lithium-iron-phosphate batteries to achieve 100% availability. Future designers can use the same approach to design systems for a wide range of power requirements and installation locations.

    3. Nasiri, A.; Zabalawi, S.A.; Mandic, G. (2009-11). "Indoor Power Harvesting Using Photovoltaic Cells for Low-Power Applications". Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 56 (11): 4502-4509. doi:10.1109/TIE.2009.2020703. ISSN 0278-0046.

      Abstract: Utilization of low-power indoor devices such as remote sensors, supervisory and alarm systems, distributed controls, and data transfer system is on steady rise. Due to remote and distributed nature of these systems, it is attractive to avoid using electrical wiring to supply power to them. Primary batteries have been used for this application for many years, but they require regular maintenance at usually hard to access places. This paper provides a complete analysis of a photovoltaic (PV) harvesting system for indoor low-power applications. The characteristics of a target load, PV cell, and power conditioning circuit are discussed. Different choices of energy storage are also explained. Implementation and test results of the system are presented, which highlights the practical issues and limitations of the system.
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