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==Time is takes to print parts, their energy usage, and weight==
==Time is takes to print parts, their energy usage, and weight==

''This is based on the file format from [] which allows multiple parts to be printed at once.  All the parts have about 30% fill except file 3 and 16 which had 50%.''
''This is based on the file format from [] which allows multiple parts to be printed at once.  All the parts have about 40% fill except file 3 and 16 which had 50% and file 21 and 11 which have 30% fill.''

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"

Revision as of 19:42, 21 July 2010

Reprap is an open-source 3D printer, presently under community development. It is being designed to produce as many of it's own parts as possible, and hence self-replicate. This appropedia page describes the build process that Queen's Applied Sustainability Group is taking to build one, and contains a general build trajectory. Detailed documentation of each step is being filled in as the machine is built.

To Do List

  1. Build mendel boards for mounting electronics, printing board - look into laser, water cutting the boards out of various materials
  2. Build hotend/extruder. (where are the instructions for putting these on Mendel?)
  3. Solve SD card/extruder head diving problem
    1. Search on RapMan forum for solutions
    2. Possible - build mechanical blocker to prevent head damage
    3. Possible - build electronic watchdog that warns of head dive/shuts off machine (kill switch)
  4. Calibrate new RapMan extruder - looks good so far
  5. Order a few more components from digikey, TTL-USB cable
  6. Solder pins onto I2C connector on mobo before connecting to extruder
  7. Build opto-endstops
  8. Add molex connectors to stepper motors
  9. Build IDC cables (cable lengths are in brackets (cm) on this wiring diagram. The thick lines represent a connection with multiple wires, the bold numbers are the number of wires in these connections.
  10. Program and test electronics boards
  11. Print mendel RP parts
  12. Cut threaded rods, other smaller non-RP mechanical tasks

Future/Improvement ideas to do in down time:

  1. Look into recovering from a print crash
  2. Look into a filament wheel with bearings which may reduce jamming
  3. Look into adding an extruder motor fan, as the extruder motor becomes very hot and will likley burn out if not addressed
  4. Create an electrical watchdog to monitor prints
  5. Add dive-preventers to only allow the bed to move down
  6. Look into maintenance required for both RapMan and RepRap
  7. Create photographic encyclopedia of reprap terms, actions, and parts

Electrical Components Build and Test


If you are new to electronics, there is an excellent Beginners guide to electronics on the reprap wiki.
The wiring of all the components together is described on a circuit diagram here, and small mods required are described here. The instructions below are for GEN3 electronics (v1.2 motherboard, v2.2 extruder controller, v2.3 stepper driver). Gen3Elec

Making Additional Mods
The makerbot boards pre-fabbed for Cupcake work with RepRap with a few very small modifications. You can also modify them further to get rid of chunky RJ45 cabling, described here which links from here. It also discusses the minor adaptations needed to keep the boards more or less how they came. For our first RepRap, we are going to keep the boards how they came as much as possible; this is described here
Other links for editing the boards:
How to modify the power to not use an ATX power supply info: briefly mentioned here and here and described in more detail here.

How to install RepRap programming software on Windows

These instructions are meant to be an additional support to the ones on Follow the instructions on the RepRap wiki. The instructions are also outlined in less detail here, with different links to download the install package ( vs. There may be discrepancies between the two *.zip sources, and the dated one (which has been used below as stated here) may be unstable. This needs to be sorted out.

  1. Get arduino-0018 (it doesnt "install" on windows) and unzip it to where you want it installed. It is now installed.
  2. Unzip sanguino-0018 and follow the directions in sanguiono.txt to copy the files into arduino.
  3. Start arduino.exe; select tools->board->sanguino. You are now set up with sanguino.
  4. Get java V 6; the website will tell you if you already have it installed.
  5. Set the user PATH environment variable manually for JAVA. instructions for Windows 7 here ensure there is a ; at the end, and no space at the beginning (before or after the ; ) or it wont work.
  6. Reboot to allow the PATH variable to update. If it doesnt work, try adding java to the admin PATH environment variable
  7. Get the RepRap software we may have to get an updated version, we presently have and unzip it to C:/Program Files/RepRap (you must use this default path, or the script files wont work)
  8. Run reprap.bat in the RepRap folder to ensure it is working. This did not work the first time for us due to no USB connection, but it should be able to find java. If it cant find java, your PATH variable has not been setup correctly.
  9. Close the RepRap program.

Now you're all set up to program your motherboard, and extruder controllers.

How to install the FiveD_GCode_Interpreter Mendel Code onto the RepRap (cupcake) motherboard

Starting arduino.exe
Opening configure.h to read and modify if necessary
Access denied error is caused by not setting folder permissions to writable.
Change the board type to Sanguino to compile the motherboard code. When complete it will say Done compiling at the bottom of the GUI
  1. Make a USB<->serial & power cable Actually, dont. We'll use an ATX (computer) power supply, which plugs into all the boards, and a separate USB-TTL cable.
  2. Add two 2-pin headers to the I2C ports, described here, and add a two pin header and jumper next to the TTL programming port; headers are shown here at A and B. The motherboard is described here.
  3. Follow the directions here to install the FiveD_Gcode_interpreter RepRap code onto the motherboard alternatives here, check to make sure that FiveD can run a non-stepper extruder
    1. Copy configuration.h.dist, located in C:\Program Files\RepRap\mendel\firmware\FiveD_GCode\FiveD_GCode_Interpreter to a new file, named configuration.h in the same directory
    2. Run arduino.exe
    3. Click File -> Open and navigate to C:\Program Files\RepRap\mendel\firmware\FiveD_GCode\FiveD_GCode_Interpreter. Select FiveD_GCode_Interpreter.pde
    4. Click the arrow to switch tabs; select configuration
    5. Read the file and make changes, or, for the Queen's machine use the file provided here configured to our machine File:Mendel-config-queens.odt. This is where you make settings for how the motors are running, and tell the firmware which kind of hardware you have.
    6. Click File->Save. If you get access denied error, this is because your user account does not have write permissions on configuration.h. Navigate to the folder immediately above configuration.h, right-click on the folder, select properties. Ensure "read-only" attribute is not set. Select Security -> User permissions -> Edit and ensure modify permissions are checked. Try again to save the file.
    7. Select Tools->Board->Sanguino then select Sketch->Verify/Compile.
    8. Continue following directions on how to upload the compiled code to the motherboard; the ATX power supply is required (I believe) as we are not modifying the motherboard to be USB powered.
  4. Test the motherboard, instructions here

How to install the Mendel Code onto the RepRap (cupcake) extruder controller board

  1. Ensure your motherboard has been tested (above)
  2. Check the info about the extruder boards here (make any cable connector changes: can swap out RJ45 for separate power, signal pins; we arent doing this).
  3. Follow the directions to install the RepRap code onto the extruder controller board. This is very similar to the motherboard program, described above. Be careful to make changes where necessary for the extruder board code, do not simply follow the same directions as for the motherboard.
    1. Copy configuration.h.dist, located in C:\Program Files\RepRap\mendel\firmware\FiveD_GCode\Extruder to a new file, named configuration.h in the same directory
    2. Run arduino.exe
    3. Click File -> Open and navigate to C:\Program Files\RepRap\mendel\firmware\FiveD_GCode\Extruder\. Select Extruder.pde
    4. Click the arrow to switch tabs; select configuration
    5. Read the file and make changes, or, for the Queen's machine use the file provided here configured to our machine File:Mendel-e-config-queens.odt. This is where you make settings for how the extruder motor runs, and tell the firmware which kind of hardware you have.
    6. Click File->Save. If you get access denied error, this is because your user account does not have write permissions on configuration.h. Navigate to the folder immediately above configuration.h, right-click on the folder, select properties. Ensure "read-only" attribute is not set. Select Security -> User permissions -> Edit and ensure modify permissions are checked. Try again to save the file.
    7. Click the arrow to switch tabs; select temperature.h.
    8. Ensure that the thermistor selected is correct for your thermistor. The model for Plastruder MK4 is a 100K Epcos NTC Thermistor, part number B57560G104F. Information on how to generate a custom temperature table to insert into temperature.h is available here; Type -h for the help file of the thermistor script. Do not enter values for R1 or R2 as the default is fine (I believe these are used to calculate the actual current, ie including the effects of the output resistance of the ADC, though I am still looking for info)
    9. Select Tools->Board->Arduino Diecimila or Duemilanove w/ ATmega 168 then select Sketch->Verify/Compile. It should have a Done Compiling message at the bottom when it has successfully compiled
    10. Continue following directions on how to upload the compiled code to the extruder controller
  4. Follow the instructions to check power, make a cable, and test the extruder communication with the motherboard

How to test the stepper motor drivers

  1. Ensure your motherboard has been tested (above)
  2. Put female molex connectors on the stepper motors, ensuring the correct order of wires here and here (or can swap out some connectors on the driver boards for the reprap versions, described here)
  3. Follow the stepper driver test instructions to build a cable, test power, and test the motor driver board communication with the motherboard

How to test the opto-switches

  1. Build your opto switches, we have makerbot ones which are described here, we're building the first set with RJ45 connectors.
  2. Ensure your motherboard and stepper drivers have been tested (above)
  3. Follow the optoswitch test instructions to build a cable, test power, and test the board communication with the motherboard


After this is all tested, you should be ready to assemble the electronics onto the machine.

  1. Follow instructions to mount electronics (requires some Rapid Protoyped (RP) parts).
  2. Follow instructions to wire electronics.

Mechanical non-RP Build

Follow these instructions.

  1. Cut threaded rods to lengths *.ods given here
  2. Cut print bed and circuit mounting boards to size, *.ods given here, there is also duplicate information available somewhere on the site (needs to be compared to the *.ods). Kristen has some information compiled on alternative print beds
  3. Cut belts, build extruder background information here assembly instructions here, prepare studs, thin sheet
  4. Build, follow mechanical building instructions and build tips, and creating photographic build instructions (this is dependant on having RP'ed parts printed).

Instructions should be:

  • universal language (pictures) with lots of arrows
  • exploded assembly view of how to put together
  • include parts list for each picture
  • include method to differentiate between very similar parts (IKEA-esk)

Tips on where to get parts for RepRap

If you are trying to build a Reprap using your Rapman here are some useful tips:

1) A RepRap supplies site has just started for people to buy and sell important components for RepRap
2)A European equivalent exists
3) Here is a is a list of the parts I ordered in Canada and their prices: Media:parts_for_reprap.odt
4) Putting a bit of acetone on the parts allows the layers to meld together better (make sure to wash after)

Boards for Reprap

Get all solid edge parts here:([1])

Motherboard plate

  • place to mount extruder controller and motherboard
  • made from MDF
  • schematics
  • solid edge file is located in this area in the downloaded files: reprap-mendel-20100308/mendel/mechanics/solid-models/Temporary/SolidEdge/circuit-boards motherboard-plate.par

Stepper motor mounting board:

  • place to mount stepper motor drivers and usb-female pcb
  • made from MDF
  • schematics
  • solid edge file is located in this area in the downloaded files: reprap-mendel-20100308/mendel/mechanics/solid-models/Temporary/SolidEdge/circuit-boards stepper-plate.par


  • where the plastic is printed
  • made from MDF
  • schematics
  • solid edge file is located in this area in the downloaded files: reprap-mendel-20100308/mendel/mechanics/solid-models/Temporary/SolidEdge/m4-standard-bot bed.par

other possibilities for bed:


  • set-up for the y-axis
  • made from MDF
  • schematics
  • solid edge file is located in this area in the downloaded files: reprap-mendel-20100308/mendel/mechanics/solid-models/Temporary/SolidEdge/m4-standard-bot y-chassis.par

Purge Plate

  • on the y-axis
  • made from MDF
  • schematics
  • solid edge file is located in this area in the downloaded files: reprap-mendel-20100308/mendel/mechanics/solid-models/Temporary/SolidEdge/m4-standard-bot purge-plate.par

MDF: this needs to be 4-6mm width a 42cmx40cm sheet


  • Note:Flags can be cut from pop cans C Blair 22:28, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
  • three one for each axis
  • aluminum sheet, <2mm in thickness, 8cm x 5cm
  • solid edge file is located in this area in the downloaded files: reprap-mendel-20100308/mendel/mechanics/solid-models/Temporary/SolidEdge/m4-standard-bot x-flag.par, y-flag.par, z-flag.par, x-flag-flat.par, y-flag-flat.par, z-flag-flat.par

Print RP parts

  1. Download *.stl files from the official site or user-submitted grouped part files from thingiverse 24 sheets one sheet, rearrange parts to print
  2. Convert to GCODE following directions on the 3D Model to G-Code File for Rapman protocol
  3. Print, following instructions on the Rapman protocol page
  4. Clean up parts
    1. Drill or file out bolt holes
    2. Remove plastic threads
    3. File uneven mating edges
    4. Acetone (test with one to see if quality difference is worth it)

Time is takes to print parts, their energy usage, and weight

This is based on the file format from which allows multiple parts to be printed at once. All the parts have about 40% fill except file 3 and 16 which had 50% and file 21 and 11 which have 30% fill.

File Time Energy (kwh) Weight (g) Parts
File 1
File 2
File 3 2h 43 0.1 +/- 0.05 32.2 +/- 0.05 y bearing 180 inner 2/2, y bearing 180 outer 2/2
File 4
File 5
File 6
File 7
File 8
File 9 2h 0.13 +/- 0.0071 25.6672 +/- 0.00005 z bar top clamp 4/4
File 10
File 11 1h 33 0.08 +/- 0.0071 20.3062 +/- 0.00005 z driven pulley 2/2
File 12 45 min 0.04 +/- 0.0071 7.3535 +/- 0.00005 z driven pulley rim
File 13
File 14
File 15
File 16 3h 46 0.2 +/1 0.05 57.0 +/- 0.5 z lead screw bar clamp 1/2
File 17
File 18
File 19
File 20
File 21 1h 40 not recorded 17.5478 +/- 0.00005 x end bracket 1/1
File 22 1h 33 0.08 +/- 0.0071 16.9589 +/- 0.00005 z end bracket 1/1
File 23
File 24

Running RepRap

Once the machine is all assembled and tested separately, now we have to drive it with the computer. We have the Gen3 Electronics, how to drive it is described here. A recommended driving software is ReplicatorG.
This page describes how to drive the machine with the Java RepRap.bat software, while this page is the least hardware intensive method. It is not clear which hardware electronics version they are meant to drive. Alternative software

Tips on where to get parts for RepRap

If you are trying to build a Reprap using your Rapman here are some useful tips:

1) A RepRap supplies site has just started for people to buy and sell important components for RepRap
2)A European equivalent exists
3) Here is a is a list of the parts I ordered in Canada and their prices: Media:parts_for_reprap.odt
4) Putting a bit of acetone on the parts allows the layers to meld together better (make sure to wash after)

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