
Business Summary

Richard E Benoit's, DDS general dentistry practice is located in Northern Arcata, CA. He has been working in this location for the past twenty years. Richard is the primary dentist in the office, but he does share the space with an oral surgeon for one day a week. This building is in use from approximately six a.m. to five p.m. Monday through Friday. They do not leave their lights on at night, and they actually turn off the breakers at the end of the day.

Site and Retrofit Description

Richard E Benoit, DDS had all of his office lighting changed from incandescent to compact florescent bulbs. There were approximately 25 bulbs replaced along with their ballasts---

what is it? , to a more efficient energy star model. Who did the retrofit? For each fixture, besides those in the waiting room, the amount of bulbs were reduced from four to two. The building housing Richard Benoit's practice is an 109 year old Victorian.

Client Interview

What follows is a paraphrased interview with Richard E Benoit, DDS:

Andrew: Did you significantly change how you light your business after the retrofit?

Richard: No, we haven't changed our lighting practices since the retrofit. We have always been trying to be frugal with our energy usage. We turn off our breakers at night.

A: Why did you decide to do the lighting upgrade?

R: RCEA contacted me, and I felt that it would be the best thing for me to do.

A: Would you have completed the retrofit without RCEA?

R: No, I probably would not have done this retrofit without RCEA.

A: Are you interested in doing more retrofits in the future?

R: Yes, I am interested in doing more retrofits. I am interested in solar water heating as well as other solar energy generating retrofits.

A: Are you satisfied with the work that RCEA did for your business?

R: Yes, I am very happy with what they did. They were very professional and clean. This is important because this is a health care facility. They finished the project in one day.

A: What is the most energy intensive aspect of your business?

R: Our suction systems and compressors use a lot of energy. Also, our sterilizer uses a great deal of energy. We have a steam sterilizer.

A: Are there more energy efficient machines and methods used in the dentistry field?

R: Waste is a really big part of health care. There are many one time use products that are used in dentistry. There are green companies, but there is a problem when using these green products. We have to find a balance between ethics, serving our patients and environmental responsibility.

Energy Savings and Data Analysis

Light graph.jpg

RCEA estimated a $501.63 savings from April 2008 to April 2009. The actual savings was $174.86.

Conclusions and References

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