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The second part of the pump works on the same principle as an [ air lift pump].  The air that has been compressed by the difference in elevation still has a lower density than the water, and so it rises to the top of the separation chamber and escapes through the smaller pumping tube at the top of the chamber.  In doing so, it carries some water with it, pushing the water up the tube and out the pump.  The smaller diameter of the tube and the fact that it contains a much higher proportion of air than the inlet and outlet tubes allow the “pulses” of air and water to escape up the pumping tube to a height above that of the stream.  The fluid in this tube exhibits [ two phase flow], and is most effective in the slug regime.
The second part of the pump works on the same principle as an [ air lift pump].  The air that has been compressed by the difference in elevation still has a lower density than the water, and so it rises to the top of the separation chamber and escapes through the smaller pumping tube at the top of the chamber.  In doing so, it carries some water with it, pushing the water up the tube and out the pump.  The smaller diameter of the tube and the fact that it contains a much higher proportion of air than the inlet and outlet tubes allow the “pulses” of air and water to escape up the pumping tube to a height above that of the stream.  The fluid in this tube exhibits [ two phase flow], and is most effective in the slug regime.

==Scientific Model==
===Two Phase Flow===
An important concept for this design is two phase flow, which is when there is a liquid and a gas separated by a meniscus.  There are at least seven different regimes of two phase flow, <ref> J. B. McQuillen, R. Vernon and A. E. Dukler. “Flow regimes in gas-liquid flows” Available Online at: [Accessed April 15, 2010]</ref> several of which are exhibited during the operation of the pulser pump.
====Slug Flow====
The lifting action of the pump up the pumping tube occurs mostly in the slug flow regime.  In slug flow, the liquid and gas separate into different layers occupying nearly the entire cross section of the tube, as shown below.

==How It Works==
[[Image:Bubble_lift.JPG‎| Slug Flow]]

A pulser pump (aka bubble pump) uses a hydraulic head of water to compress air, which displaces water, pushing water “pulses” to a higher height than beforeThis works on the same principles as a trompe and an airlift pump.
For flow in the slug regime, the diameter of the tube allowed depends on the speed of the flow and its viscosity.  The velocity in the pump tube is very difficult to describe, even with several simplifying assumptions.  For example, if the tube is not vertical, the bubbles are no longer symmetric resulting in changes in the speed of the bubbles.  Several dimensionless terms including the Froude number, the Eotvos number and the Reynolds number are required to fully describe the flow.<ref> J. Fabre and A. Line “Modeling of Two-Phase Slug Flow” Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech: 1992. Available Online: [Accessed April 15, 2009]</ref> Although there is still not clear agreement on the most appropriate model, several have been proposed.<ref>XIA Guo-dong, CUI Zhen-zhen, LIU Qing, ZHOU Fang-de, HU Ming-sheng “A Model for Liquid Slug Length Distribution in Vertical Gas-Liquid Slug Flow” Journal of Hydrodynamics: 2009. Available Online:  [Accessed April 15, 2010] </ref>

The first part of the pump works a bit like a [ trompe].  When a mixture of air and water is compressed, the air separates and risesThe air, not the water is compressed, as molecules in air are much further apart than in a liquid. [ See a trompe in action.] (This is the same reason why it’s harder to compress a full water bottle than an empty one.)  However, where a trompe uses a constriction to produce a lower pressure and suck in air, in the pulser pump, water is taken from the stream near the surface, causing a drain-like effect, which pulls air and water into the tube. The air is compressed an amount proportional to the hydraulic head (the difference between the inlet and outlet tube heights).
The full determination of the fluid properties during slug flow and derivation of a model including the full effects of this flow regime are beyond the scope of this modelInstead, a much simpler model is considered, assuming completely vertical tubes and steady flow, etc. as discussed further below.

At the bottom of the tubes, the air/water mixture is fed into a small chamber where the air separates from the waterAn outlet tube and a smaller pumping tube allow the flow to exit from the chamber.
===Manometer Model===
[[Image:Conservation_of_mass.JPG|thumb|right| Equal Height of Straws]]
With multiple tubes in the same liquid, the maximum height of the liquid in each tube is given by conservation of mass.  Using the same principle as a barometer, the external pressure, density, and diameter of the tube determine the height of the liquidThis means that the density, ρ, times the cross sectional area of the tube, A, times the height of the fluid, h, is the same for each tube when they exit to the same pressure, as shown in the diagram to the right.  This means that if a closed container is full of water with two of the same straws at the top that are open to the air, the liquid in the straws will rise to the same height, i.e. there will not be more liquid in one straw than the other.

The second part of the pump works on the same principle as an [ air lift pump].  The air that has been compressed by the difference in elevation can escapes through a second tube with a smaller diameter.  The fluid in this tube has [ two phase flow], which essentially means there are a gas and a liquid separated by a meniscus.
[[Image:Bubble_lift.JPG‎| Bubble Lift]]
[[Image:Conservation_of_mass.JPG|thumb|right| Equal Height of Straws]]
Typically, with multiple tubes in the same liquid, the maximum height is given by conservation of mass and energy.  This means that the density, ρ, times the cross sectional area of the tube, A, times the height of the fluid, h, is the same for each tube when they exit to the same pressure.  This means that if a closed container is full of water with two of the same straws at the top that are open to the air, the liquid in the straws will rise to the same height, i.e. there will not be more liquid in one straw than the other.
That is to say:
That is to say:
<math>\ (\rho Ah)_1 =(\rho Ah)_2</math>
<math>\ (\rho Ah)_1 =(\rho Ah)_2</math>

<br />This makes sense if all the variables are constant.  In a pulser pump, the problem is more complicated.  There is an inlet tube and an outlet tube, with the same cross section, but different heights, and then there is the pumping tube with a smaller area and higher height.  The inlet and outlet tubes are almost completely filled with water, and so the density can be approximated as that of water, however, at a given time, the pumping tube has a large portion of the tube full of air, not water.  The above equation then becomes:
Which makes sense if all the variables are constant.  In a pulser pump, the problem becomes more complicated.  There is an inlet tube and an outlet tube, with the same cross section, but different heights, and then there is the pumping tube with a smaller area and higher height.  The inlet and outlet tubes are almost completely filled with water, and so the density can be approximated as that of water, however, at a given time, the pumping tube has a large portion of the tube full of air, not water.  The above equation then becomes:

<math> \ \rho_{water} (Ah)_{inlet} = \rho_{water} (Ah)_{outlet} + [\rho_{water} %_{water} + \rho_{air} %_{air}](Ah)_{pump} </math>  
<math> \ \rho_{water} (Ah)_{inlet} = \rho_{water} (Ah)_{outlet} + [\rho_{water} %_{water} + \rho_{air} %_{air}](Ah)_{pump} </math>  
Line 77: Line 74:
<math> \ \rho_{water} A (h_{inlet}-h_{outlet}) = [\rho_{water} %_{water} + \rho_{air} %_{air}](Ah)_{pump} </math>
<math> \ \rho_{water} A (h_{inlet}-h_{outlet}) = [\rho_{water} %_{water} + \rho_{air} %_{air}](Ah)_{pump} </math>

<br />Where <math> h_{inlet}-h_{outlet} </math> is the hydraulic head.
<br />Where <math> h_{inlet}-h_{outlet} </math> is the hydraulic head. The height that the water can be pumped to can then be determined by solving for <math> h_{pump} </math>
<math> h_{pump} =\ \rho_{water} A (h_{inlet}-h_{outlet})/[\rho_{water} %_{water} + \rho_{air} %_{air}]A_{pump} </math>
<br />
The main problem with this model is that it ignores the velocity of the fluid as it travels through the pump.  This is a non-negligible quantity, as if the motion of the fluid was negligible, the air in the outlet tube would separate from the water, and the pump would lose its ability to move water.  This manometer model does illustrate the basic principle of the pump, however, and disproves the most common criticism for the pulser pump, which is that it is physically impossible for the smaller pumping tube to pump water above the initial height of the stream.  The above argument shows that this is only true if the fluid in the pumping tube is stationary, or if the amount of air present is negligible.

Revision as of 05:29, 16 April 2010


Diagram of a Pulser Pump

The pulser pump is a simple, water powered mechanical device. It is also known as a bubble pump. Components of this pump have been used for various purposes, including the extraction of oil or in refrigeration cycles. Heat driven bubble pumps are most common, but this particular design of a pulser pump using the turbulent flow in a stream to trap air has yet to become common. The two main benefits of this pump are that it has no mechanical or moving parts, and that it doesn't require any chemicals, only the water from a stream. Once installed near a stream, the pump can lift water using only the energy from the stream.

Background Information


Pulser Pump in Action

The pulser pump is a combination of a trompe and an air lift pump. Installed near a stream, the pulser pump can pump water to a height above the level of the stream. This allows streams in difficult-to-reach locations to be easily accessed, or water from a stream to be piped to a different location, for irrigation or drinking water purposes.

The pulser pump simply uses the trompe part to power the airlift part. A video explaining the pump can be seen here.


As mentioned in the Introduction section, the main benefits of the pump are twofold. First, this design of pulser pump has no chemical components, as are common in heat-driven bubble pumps, which operate under similar principles (see Heat-Driven Bubble Pumps below). This allows the pump to be used for a large variety of tasks that require uncontaminated water to be pumped, such as irrigation and to pump drinking water. In addition, not requiring any chemicals, and using the stream water available as the pumping fluid greatly reduces the cost of the pump.

Secondly, the pulser pump has no moving components. Once installed, this pump uses the turbulent flow of the stream to trap air, and gravity to compress it (see Principle of Operation section below) to pump a portion of the water to a height above that of the stream. No mechanical components, which are typically more costly and more difficult to install, are required.

In addition to these benefits, it has also been claimed that pulser pumps have a positive effect on the quality of water by increasing the oxygen content. [1] The basic idea is that by mixing air and water together in the intake pump, the increased surface area between them allows more oxygen to be transmitted to the water than is typical in a stream. Further research should be done to confirm this idea.


Trompes were used before hydroelectric turbines to pump air into mines, to provide air for the pneumatic machines that made some of the first alpine tunnels and to provide air to drive motors that lit the wealthy parts of Paris in the late 19th century. Air lift pumps are still widely used by water utilities to pump water from very deep wells. They use compressors to push air down into the wells and the air erupts through a second wider pipe carrying water with it.

Existing Pulser Pumps

Pulser pumps lack credibility because there has been no peer review, although they are starting to be researched further (see the External Links below). Several models have been built however, and videos are available online to show how they work, and them working. This design of pulser pump is not patented, and the designs are in the public domain. [2]

Working Pulser Pump

An example of a 20 year old working pulser pump is available here, if it does not load below. This pump is powered by a little stream with 300 litres of water falling 0.5 meters producing the power. Pulser pumps can work with much larger flows and heads than that according to Gaiatechnician.

Error in widget YouTube: Unable to load template 'wiki:YouTube'

Because of their extreme simplicity, they can be of great value to waterside communities. The tiny pulser pump in the video can pump about 5 tonnes of water per day to a storage container. [3]

A second example (shown here) uses the pulser pump to provide water for animals. It has a supply flow rate of approximately 30 litres/min through a 40mm waste pipe. It can lift 30 mL/min to 3m or 1 L/min to 1m. [4]

Heat-Driven Bubble Pumps

Diagram of a Heat Driven Bubble Pump

Heat-Driven Bubble pumps are the most common type of pulser pump found. They use a similar principle of operation as this pulser pump design, but in a closed system. In general, a refrigerant with a boiling point below that of water is mixed with the fluid. After the mixture is compressed, it is heated causing bubbles to form from the refrigerant in the working fluid. The bubbles of refrigerant then push the water up the pump tube, as in the pulser pump. The mixture then enters a separation chamber, where the liquid is sent to an absorber and the refrigerant to a condenser. [5]

Principle of Operation

A pulser pump (aka bubble pump) uses a hydraulic head of water to compress air, which displaces water, pushing water “pulses” to a higher height than before. This works on the same principles as a trompe and an airlift pump.

The first part of the pump works a bit like a trompe. When a mixture of air and water is compressed, the air separates and rises. The air, not the water is compressed, as molecules in air are much further apart than in a liquid. See a trompe in action. (This is the same reason why it’s harder to compress a full water bottle than an empty one.) However, where a trompe uses a constriction to produce a lower pressure and suck in air (see Venturi Effect), in the pulser pump, air and water are taken in near the surface of the stream. Because the inlet to the tube is near the surface, it causes a drain-like effect, which pulls air and water into the tube. The air is compressed an amount proportional to the hydraulic head (the difference between the inlet and outlet tube heights).

At the bottom of the tubes, the air/water mixture is fed into a small chamber where the air separates from the water. An outlet tube and a smaller pumping tube allow the flow to exit from the chamber. While the majority of the water leaves out the outlet tube, some of the water and most of the air exit through the pumping tube.

The second part of the pump works on the same principle as an air lift pump. The air that has been compressed by the difference in elevation still has a lower density than the water, and so it rises to the top of the separation chamber and escapes through the smaller pumping tube at the top of the chamber. In doing so, it carries some water with it, pushing the water up the tube and out the pump. The smaller diameter of the tube and the fact that it contains a much higher proportion of air than the inlet and outlet tubes allow the “pulses” of air and water to escape up the pumping tube to a height above that of the stream. The fluid in this tube exhibits two phase flow, and is most effective in the slug regime.

Scientific Model

Two Phase Flow

An important concept for this design is two phase flow, which is when there is a liquid and a gas separated by a meniscus. There are at least seven different regimes of two phase flow, [6] several of which are exhibited during the operation of the pulser pump.

Slug Flow

The lifting action of the pump up the pumping tube occurs mostly in the slug flow regime. In slug flow, the liquid and gas separate into different layers occupying nearly the entire cross section of the tube, as shown below.

Slug Flow

For flow in the slug regime, the diameter of the tube allowed depends on the speed of the flow and its viscosity. The velocity in the pump tube is very difficult to describe, even with several simplifying assumptions. For example, if the tube is not vertical, the bubbles are no longer symmetric resulting in changes in the speed of the bubbles. Several dimensionless terms including the Froude number, the Eotvos number and the Reynolds number are required to fully describe the flow.[7] Although there is still not clear agreement on the most appropriate model, several have been proposed.[8]

The full determination of the fluid properties during slug flow and derivation of a model including the full effects of this flow regime are beyond the scope of this model. Instead, a much simpler model is considered, assuming completely vertical tubes and steady flow, etc. as discussed further below.

Manometer Model

Equal Height of Straws

With multiple tubes in the same liquid, the maximum height of the liquid in each tube is given by conservation of mass. Using the same principle as a barometer, the external pressure, density, and diameter of the tube determine the height of the liquid. This means that the density, ρ, times the cross sectional area of the tube, A, times the height of the fluid, h, is the same for each tube when they exit to the same pressure, as shown in the diagram to the right. This means that if a closed container is full of water with two of the same straws at the top that are open to the air, the liquid in the straws will rise to the same height, i.e. there will not be more liquid in one straw than the other.

That is to say:

This makes sense if all the variables are constant. In a pulser pump, the problem is more complicated. There is an inlet tube and an outlet tube, with the same cross section, but different heights, and then there is the pumping tube with a smaller area and higher height. The inlet and outlet tubes are almost completely filled with water, and so the density can be approximated as that of water, however, at a given time, the pumping tube has a large portion of the tube full of air, not water. The above equation then becomes:

Or, if the inlet and outlet pipes have the same cross sectional area:

Where is the hydraulic head. The height that the water can be pumped to can then be determined by solving for

The main problem with this model is that it ignores the velocity of the fluid as it travels through the pump. This is a non-negligible quantity, as if the motion of the fluid was negligible, the air in the outlet tube would separate from the water, and the pump would lose its ability to move water. This manometer model does illustrate the basic principle of the pump, however, and disproves the most common criticism for the pulser pump, which is that it is physically impossible for the smaller pumping tube to pump water above the initial height of the stream. The above argument shows that this is only true if the fluid in the pumping tube is stationary, or if the amount of air present is negligible.

External links

  • Gaiatechnician's explaination on YouTube can be found here. For a more detailed explaination, visit his website
  • Other videos of working pulser pumps can be found here and here
  • Bubble Action Pumps Ltd. make a similar product, that pumps water through solar thermal panels. Check it out on their website.
  • Altenergymag describes pulser pumps here
  • All About Pumps also have a description here
  • For a description of how to make a pulser pump, visit Instructables


  1. All About Pumps. Available at: [Accessed April 15, 2010].
  2. Brian White "The Pulser Pump." Available at: [Accessed April 15, 2010].
  3. Pulser Pump (Air Lift Pump) . Available at: [Accessed April 15, 2010].
  4. cornish pulser pump. Available at: [Accessed April 15, 2010].
  5. Susan J. White. “Bubble Pump Design and Performance” Georgia Institute of Technology: August 2001. Available Online at: [Accessed April 13, 2010].
  6. J. B. McQuillen, R. Vernon and A. E. Dukler. “Flow regimes in gas-liquid flows” Available Online at: [Accessed April 15, 2010]
  7. J. Fabre and A. Line “Modeling of Two-Phase Slug Flow” Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech: 1992. Available Online: [Accessed April 15, 2009]
  8. XIA Guo-dong, CUI Zhen-zhen, LIU Qing, ZHOU Fang-de, HU Ming-sheng “A Model for Liquid Slug Length Distribution in Vertical Gas-Liquid Slug Flow” Journal of Hydrodynamics: 2009. Available Online: [Accessed April 15, 2010]
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