I am a fourth year Engineering Physics student at Queen's University. I am interested in sustainable development and am involved in the Living Energy Lab design team, which investigates sustainable methods of conserving energy in the home. Currently, I am enrolled in Mech 425, to increase my understanding of how engineering practices can be used to create a more sustainable environment.

Sustainable Development[edit | edit source]

Living Energy Lab[edit | edit source]


The Living Energy Lab is a design team at Queen's University that explores innovative ways of conserving energy in the home and then tests them to provide accurate, quantifiable data, which is used to educate both students and the community.

Current LEL Projects[edit | edit source]

  • Heating with Compost
  • Dual Flush Toilet Retrofit
  • Heat Loss Characterization in Homes
  • Appliance Load Reduction
  • Greenovations
  • Outreach

More information can be found at our website.

Geothermal Heating[edit | edit source]


Geothermal heating uses the constant temperature of the ground to moderate the temperature of your home. Homes heated with electric space heaters or oil have the most to save from switching to a geothermal system, and have the shortest payback period. Earth Comfort provides a simple cost calculator that allows you to estimate how much you can save from switching.

A more detailed analysis can be done for heating, using the Annual Heating Load formula, found here at Natural Resources Canada. If you don't know how much energy your home uses, statistics can be found here for typical homes.

Video[edit | edit source]

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