Maintenance and Background

Polyface Farm is a sustainable farm located in Swoope, Virginia. It is run primarily by Joel Salatin and his family, all of whom reject conventional methods of farming. Instead, they favor a symbiotic system that produces exceptional results without the negative externalities associated with common farming practices.

Polyface Farm raises chickens (including broilers, stewing hens, and freedom rangers), turkeys, eggs, beef, pork, and rabbit, all of which are pastured and available for direct purchase to consumers. Additionally, a limited supply of vegetables and herbs are available for purchase. These items are available only to those within approximately half a day’s drive from the farm, in accordance with the Salatin’s firm belief in a maintaining a “local” food system[1].

Joel is a firm believer in traditional methods of trade, those done in person. This way, both the buyer and seller can be confident while trading face to face. Salatin says, “Don’t you find it odd that people will put more work into choosing their mechanic or house contractor than they will into choosing the person who grows their food?”[2]

Polyface Farm stretches across 100 acres of pasture and includes 450 acres of forest.

Polyface Farm is technically not organic, although its practices are by far more sustainable than most large scale organic farms. Salatin rejects federal standards for organic farming and refers to his practices as “beyond organic.” This means that rather than conforming to less sustainable practices that are legally organic, Salatin works diligently to maintain a local food system that mimics patterns found in nature.


Following the success of Michael Pollan's book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" public interest in Polyface farms skyrocketed. This became clear by the sheer volumes requesting tours of the farm. The farm's "open door policy" allows for guests to freely tour the farm during business hours. Guided tours are available as well, however the Salatins are currently not offering personal tours mainly due to their inability to settle on fee rate with visitors. Lunatic tours are offered twice a month on specified dates (between the months of spring and fall) for the first 100 people who reserve a spot. The activities included vary on the time of year but can include: hay rides, pastured broilers, pigaerator/pastured pork, salad bar beef, egg-mobile, Raken house, pastured rabbits in hare pen, turkeys in the Gobbledy-Go and the Brooder[3].



  1. Michael Pollan. Omnivore's Dilemma
  2. Pollan, Michael. "No Bar Code". No Bar Code. Mother Jones. Retrieved 21 November 2011.
  3. Polyface Farm website
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