Short link to this wiki page :
Initial discussion and *invitation* thread :
a chat for all permies in all languages (and a common good)
info & invitations :
permiechat welcomes friends from all communities, for example :, reddit Permaculture, ... (more to come soon)

The idea behind this chat is to create synergy between different people from all places around the world

Ask for an email invitation to :

Chat organization

Channel naming (draft proposal)

Channels with no prefix

a few channels : #general, #tests, #random, #slack-organization have no prefix

Channels with language prefixes

channels in a specific language (but no specific country/area) have a language prefix (en_-, fr_-, ...) :

for example :

  • #en_-permaculture : permaculture channel in english
  • #en_-chat-planning : channel to plan future chats in english
  • #fr_-accueil

Channels with regional/local prefixes

channels in a specific area have regional prefixes

for example :

  • #fr-idf-paris-t12 : transition paris 12e
  • #fr-idf-paris-t12-ic : transition paris 12e incroyables comestibles

Channels with a private (_) suffix

private channels for workgroups

for example :

  • fr-idf-t-com_ : (french) Groupe de travail "communication transition idf"

Channels list

See Permiechat/channels

Current admins/owners of

* More to come soon !!!! admins and help wanted :) :D !!!! *

See also : Roles and permissions in Slack

Current admins

Current owners

Primary owner

Invited People :

  • (Paul Wheaton : not interested) Chris Watkins, Lonny Grafman, François-Olivier Devaux (Invited by Pierro78 (talk) 04:27, 23 June 2016 (PDT) )


Image to share in social networks :


Tools to receive email invitation requests


admins : espritangel, pierro78

=> editors/admins from all over the world needed to answer invitation requests ! :)
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