Short link to this wiki page :
Initial discussion and *invitation* thread :
a chat for all permies in all languages (and a common good)
info & invitations :
an independent spin-off from our friends on

The idea behind that chat is to create synergy between different people from all places around the world

Ask for an email invitation to :

Chat organization

Channel naming (draft proposal)

Channels with no prefix

a few channels : #general, #tests, #random, #slack-organization have no prefix

Channels with language prefixes

channels in a specific language (but no specific country/area) have a language prefix (en_-, fr_-, ...) :

for example :

  • #en_-permaculture : permaculture channel in english
  • #en_-chat-planning : channel to plan future chats in english
  • #fr_-accueil

Channels with regional/local prefixes

channels in a specific area have regional prefixes

for example :

  • #fr-idf-paris-t12 : transition paris 12e
  • #fr-idf-paris-t12-ic : transition paris 12e incroyables comestibles

Channels with a private (_) suffix

private channels for workgroups

for example :

  • fr-idf-t-com_ : (french) Groupe de travail "communication transition idf"

Channels list

See Permiechat/channels

Current admins/owners of

* More to come soon !!!! admins and help wanted :) :D !!!! *

See also : Roles and permissions in Slack

Current admins

Current owners

Primary owner

Invited People :

  • (Paul Wheaton : not interested) Chris Watkins, Lonny Grafman, François-Olivier Devaux (Invited by Pierro78 (talk) 04:27, 23 June 2016 (PDT) )


Image to share in social networks :


Tools to receive email invitation requests


admins : espritangel, pierro78

=> editors/admins from all over the world needed to answer invitation requests ! :)
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