Multi-Servicios Parras

  • What is Available: Light bulbs, pipes, plumbing supplies, hoses, electrical supplies
  • Location: Ramos Aripe 219, near supermercado, white and orange exterior
  • Notes: This store has some plumbing supplies, but mostly electrical stuff.

Multi-servicios parras.jpg Inside multi-serivicios.jpg


  • What is Available: All sorts of hardware supplies: shovels, pitchforks, rakes, hoes, wheel barrels, ladders, tool boxes, rope, hose, brooms, mops, barbed wire, wire screens, chicken wire, elbow pipes, sprinklers, batteries, keys, paint, doorknobs, duct tape, spray cans, chain, pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, wrenches, sanders, brushes, saws, pruners, jumper cables, hexagon bike keys, hammers, etc.
  • Location: On 16 de Septiembre, directly across the street from the Pemex gas station. Between Vergel and Circuito Isabel Davila De Flores Tapia.
  • Notes: This store has a wide variety of hardware supplies and was recommended by my madre.



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