A catalog of possible people and places for side-trip/interview features.


Sam Muirhead - videographer, maker, FLOK advocate, Open Source lifestyle experimenter

Vinay Gupta - Resilience, open tech, FLOK advocate, Hexayurt inventor/developer, Etherium developer

Marcin Jakubowski - Resilience, open tech, FLOK advocate, co-founder of Open Source Ecology project

Michel Bauwens - P2P culture advocate, speaker, writer, researcher, co-founder of P2P Foundation

Hans Widmer - Writer, futurist, activist, writer of Bolo'Bolo

Bre Pettis - Maker, 3D printing pioneer, developer of MakerBot and MakerBot Industries

Bruce Sterling - SF Writer, futurist, open tech, FLOK advocate

Joy Lohmann - Artist, maker, FLOK advocate, founder of ASAP Island, Open Island, Sealand Multiversity

Gregg Fleishman - Artist, maker, large structure designer for Burning Man


Fab Labs (from the MIT affiliated list - https://www.fablabs.io/labs )

Tech Shop

ShopBot company

MakerBot or Ultimaker company


Local Motors

N55 Studio

OSE Workshop

Hackbase Lanzarote

Burning Man Festival

Casa Jasmina ( http://casajasmina.arduino.cc/ )

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