Initial install of OTP

I've found that the initial pre-built packages work OK for basic OTP routing on a local machine, and also display of some of the basic 'analyst' features like Travel time maps. I followed the 5 minute intro instructions on the OTP Wiki initially.

However, if you want to do more advanced 'batch analyst' functionality, this may mean installing the development version of OTP in an environment like Eclipse - see OSSTIP/Notes on getting OpenTripPlanner Analyst working.

Building the Melbourne routing network graph - relevant section of the Graph builder config file

In the case of Melbourne, we have 3 different GTFS files, for trains, trams, and buses. So in the GTFS specification section you need to list all of them, for example:

      <bean id="gtfsBuilder" class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.impl.GtfsGraphBuilderImpl">
        <property name="gtfsBundles">
            <bean id="gtfsBundles" class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.model.GtfsBundles">
                <property name="bundles">
                        <bean class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.model.GtfsBundle">
                            <property name="path" value="/Users/pds_phd/Dropbox/PhD-TechnicalProjectWork/OSSTIP_Common/GIS-Network-Data-Melb/GTFS-ExtractedData-201307/" />
                            <property name="defaultAgencyId" value="30" />
                            <property name="defaultBikesAllowed" value="true" />
                        <bean class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.model.GtfsBundle">
                            <property name="path" value="/Users/pds_phd/Dropbox/PhD-TechnicalProjectWork/OSSTIP_Common/GIS-Network-Data-Melb/GTFS-ExtractedData-201307/" />
                            <property name="defaultBikesAllowed" value="false" />
                            <property name="defaultAgencyId" value="32" />
                        <bean class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.model.GtfsBundle">
                            <property name="path" value="/Users/pds_phd/Dropbox/PhD-TechnicalProjectWork/OSSTIP_Common/GIS-Network-Data-Melb/GTFS-ExtractedData-201307/" />
                            <property name="defaultBikesAllowed" value="false" />
                            <property name="defaultAgencyId" value="34" />

and as suggested above, if you download a local copy of a Melbourne OSM file, then my section looked like this:

   <property name="provider">
            <bean class="org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.impl.AnyFileBasedOpenStreetMapProviderImpl">
                <property name="path" value="/Users/Shared/GIS-Projects-General/OSM_Datasets/OSM-Melb-Large-FromMetroExtracts.osm" />
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