Appropedia uses a license which allows commercial use. We don't mind if someone makes money out of this content. In fact, if this information is used for the purpose of sustainable business, or a small entrepreneur in a developing country uses Appropedia content (with attribution), for example printing it out and selling books, booklets or pamphlets, that is a sign of Appropedia's success and the value of the content. It helps to spread the knowledge and positive impact further - which is our ultimate goal.

Appropedia and restricted (non-commercial) content

While we encourage likeminded communities and websites to use an open content license in most cases, without the non-commercial clause, we respect that the creators of content have the right to license the content how they wish.

Thus we've talked about making a new namespace especially for non-commercial-license material. This enables projects or content to gain exposure by being in Appropedia, but the pages will be clearly marked to state that the content is not suitable for inclusion in pages that do not have the non-commercial license.

This is just an idea at this stage - discuss at Non-commercial content for Appropedia? on the Appropedia Forums.


A Virgin mobile advertising campaign used people's personal photos, licensed under a CC license, from Flickr, and caused a storm of controversy. This highlights one potential problem with allowing commercial use: People may use the content (including images) in ways you don't want. This may not matter if it's a photo of a sand filter, but it probably does matter if it's a photograph of a family member, friend, or publicity shy person, particularly "cute," amusing or embarrassing shots. Thus it is recommended that sensitive material (personal photos, photographs of other people, and especially photographs of children) be considered carefully before choosing a license.

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