Template:AAG active project EWB SFSU has taken on this project and will be traveling to Morrito on Aug 1st 2008. We are looking for people who want to help and translators in particular, so if you are interested, contact me david.reber (talk · contribs)

Background Materials

| this PDF has some background information on Morrito This pdf also has descriptions for several projects available.


Aug 1st - land in Managua and drive to Granada. Aug 2nd - rest in Granada Aug 3rd - take the ferry to Morrito Aug 3-13 - conduct the activities listed below in Morrito Aug 13 - return to Granada Aug 14 - travel to Whirlwind facilities Aug 25 - fly back from Managua.


We are conducting this trip in order to get to know the people of Nicaragua and assess what projects we might be able to conduct and how we might be able to help.

specific activities

  • Conduct Sanitary Survey - There was a well drilled several years ago by an NGO but the water in it is acidic and yellow so we will be taking samples and surveying the facilities to see if we can fix the problem.
  • Learn about construction techniques - there are 10 schools in the region which are constructed of dirt floors and thatch roofs. If we are to construct a school, we must design it with local construction techniques and materials. We will need to determine what these techniques and materials are.
  • Talk to the local government. It is important that the choice of projects be collaborative. By asking what we can do for them, it is more likely that our project will be valued and maintained after we leave and we will receive more support in conducting the project.
  • The community has voiced the desire for a library. This sounds like a really good idea and if we could get that library on the internet, it would be the first internet connection in the community.
  • Arrange contacts. Whatever project we eventually take on, it will be very important to have strong contacts that we can contact for whatever questions we have.
  • Whirlwind wheelchair has also invited us to tour their facilities which are a 4 hour ($0.50US) bus ride from Granada.


Plane tickets in Nicaragua are around $800 and in country costs shouldn't get beyond $20/day.


Leave a comment on the talk page with your contact info and I will get back to you within the day.

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