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Problem being addressed

Pre-eclampsia affects over three million mothers worldwide each year and is also associated with premature birth. Regular blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a cost-effective means of identifying hypertensive diseases in their early stages. However, there are currently no effective ways to detect a women’s likelihood to suffer from pre-eclampsia prior to developing the condition.

Detailed description of the solution

The research done to advance this device is the first major development of a reliable biomarker diagnostic that can accurately predict the onset of pre-eclampsia. The presence of this biomarker also strongly suggests that pre-eclampsia is characterized by abnormal placenta formation which limits the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to the developing fetus during pregnancy. If these biomarkers can detect pre-eclampsia at its earliest stages, there is a high likelihood that maternal and infant death resulting from this condition can be reduced.

Designed by

  • Designed by: Dr. Isabella Caniggia of the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
  • Manufacturer location: Manitoba, Canada

Funding Source

Miraculins, Inc.


Other internally generated reports

Miraculins Inc. (2013, March 11). Miraculins to License Additional Preeclampsia 
Technology from Mount Sinai Hospital. Retrieved from here

Externally generated reports

Miraculins Inc. (2010, July 13). Miraculins Announces Issuance of Important Preeclampsia Patent in United States. Marketwired.com. Retrieved from here

(2013). Miraculins Pre-Eclampsia Markers. Mandate. Retrieved from here

IP and copyright

US Patent 7,754,495 entitled "Methods for Early Diagnosing of an Increased Risk of Preeclampsia"

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