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concrete is essentailly a mixture of aggregates and of paste which is usually made from cement and water. Through a chemical process called hydration, the cement paste will dry into the particularly hard mass known as cement. The key to getting high quality concrete is by attaining the right ratio between the ingredients. The lower the water-cement ratio, the higher quality the concrete will be. The trade of to this however lies in in the workeability of the concrete while wet. while a lower water-cement ratio will producer better concrete, it will be much harder to work with <ref></ref>. One of the advantages of building with concrete is that is is fairly earthquack resistant, and in the case of the domincan republic; provides a solid defense against hurricanes, as well as serves to keep out the heat. Concrete is one of the most common building materials in Santo Domingo <ref></ref>  
concrete is essentailly a mixture of aggregates and of paste which is usually made from cement and water. Through a chemical process called hydration, the cement paste will dry into the particularly hard mass known as cement. The key to getting high quality concrete is by attaining the right ratio between the ingredients. Typically cement will consist of 8%water, 80%aggregates, and 12%cement <ref></ref>. The lower the water-cement ratio, the higher quality the concrete will be. The trade of to this however lies in in the workeability of the concrete while wet. while a lower water-cement ratio will producer better concrete, it will be much harder to work with <ref></ref>. One of the advantages of building with concrete is that is is fairly earthquack resistant, and in the case of the domincan republic; provides a solid defense against hurricanes, as well as serves to keep out the heat. Concrete is one of the most common building materials in Santo Domingo <ref></ref> One of the other major advantages of concrete is that it is vary available, and can be sourced from almnost anywhere in the wortld. aside from that it is highly recyclable <ref></ref>. IOne of the draw backs to working with concrete is that it has a lot of embedded energy

Revision as of 00:53, 7 June 2014

The following is a short example of the heading structure for a literature review that we went over in class. Remember in your literature review to not editorialize or make design decisions. Include only referenced information. For help with making citations on Appropedia, please see Help:Footnotes.

Literature Review

This is a review of the available literature pertinant to the 2014 Practivistas innnitiative to begin construction on a police station for the community of Las Malvinas in Santo Domingo. Topics will range from building materials to general information on construction.

The Community of Las Malvinas


Building a foundation

A foundation is a load bearing part of a building which has direct contact with the soil. Typically they begin below ground level, and are the starting point of a structure. When building a foundation one should considered the type of soil being built in, the potential verticle and horizontal laod being placed upon it, the building sites topography, and its resistince to earthquakes.[1] Types of foundation will varry depending on the size and shape of the structure being built. When building on un-even slopped, or poor quality soil, a deep founation should be built 3 or more feet below the soil. This foundation may also vary in depths throughout. When building on even ground and in higher quality soil, a shallower foundation can be built. [2] In the United States the minimum stregnth requirment for a residnetial concrete foundation is 2500 pounds per square inch (psi)[3]. Appearantly the building codes in Santo Domingo are the same as those in the Uited States [4] so this number could also be applied here since our structure is relatively small

Soil and Building

When considering soil in terms of a building project, the four main properties of inorganic soil should be considered. These properties are: mineral matter, organinc matter, water and air. Soil texture can be describes as "the range of indevidual mineral particles such as sand silt and clay," which are present in soil. coarse textured soils (soils which are sandy or contain coarser agregates) are btter for building because water moves easily through them, and they are easy to dig in. Soils with a finer texture tend to expand and contract according to moisturecontent, and this can serve to damage foundations. [5]


concrete is essentailly a mixture of aggregates and of paste which is usually made from cement and water. Through a chemical process called hydration, the cement paste will dry into the particularly hard mass known as cement. The key to getting high quality concrete is by attaining the right ratio between the ingredients. Typically cement will consist of 8%water, 80%aggregates, and 12%cement [6]. The lower the water-cement ratio, the higher quality the concrete will be. The trade of to this however lies in in the workeability of the concrete while wet. while a lower water-cement ratio will producer better concrete, it will be much harder to work with [7]. One of the advantages of building with concrete is that is is fairly earthquack resistant, and in the case of the domincan republic; provides a solid defense against hurricanes, as well as serves to keep out the heat. Concrete is one of the most common building materials in Santo Domingo [8] One of the other major advantages of concrete is that it is vary available, and can be sourced from almnost anywhere in the wortld. aside from that it is highly recyclable [9]. IOne of the draw backs to working with concrete is that it has a lot of embedded energy

Building into a hillside or un-even ground

Retaining Walls

Building Codes in Santo Domingo

Requirements for a Police Station In Santo Domingo

Types of materials used

Short introduction to types of composting. [10]


 Make sure to include description, advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix. [10]


Make sure to include description, advantages and disadvantages, and/or have a comparison matrix.

Designing interpretive materials

According to ______ interpretive materials for composting should include....



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