Literature Review

See Las Malvinas botica popular ecoladrillo 2013 for the project that this research was completed for.

Site Location

Our project site is located in the semi-rural community of Las Malvinas, north of the city of Santo Domingo. It will be built along a local unpaved road upon a cistern (currently in the process of building), located approximately in the center of the community.

Las Malvinas

Las Malvinas screen shot 1.png

How to get to Las Malvinas from UNIBE


Plastic Bottle Waste


Ecorbricks out of garbage vs Ecobricks out of clay Ecobricks out of garbage helps clean the environment due to using massive non recyclable materials to fill the bottles The need to mine clay out the ground needing more man power and causes more environmental damage. Ecoclay bricks are heavier than those bricks made out of garbage. Will be used a LOT of both materials (clay and garbage) to fill the bottles, so it is necessary to use the most common and easy one to get. In resume we are going to use ecoladrillo out of garbage due to their advantages to the enviroment Ecoladrillo (made out of garbage)

What has been done

Dos and Dont's

• Synthetic materials (plastics, aluminum and things made out of polystyrene), are the perfect eco brick filling.
• The bottle when filled must not mold down if standed upon- therefore the word brick.
• Clean and dry bottles
• Secure the bottles in a dry safe place secured by their caps on
• Do NOT use recyclable materials
• Do NOT leave the bottles uncapped
• Do NOT leave organic materials inside the bottles (it can cause mold and other unpredictable bacteria to form).


Botica Popular

Botica Popular is the name given to a small, government supported pharmacies in the Dominican Republic that caters to low-income families. They offer an array of basic medications (typically only generic) at a much lower cost. [1] The name “Botica Popular” appears to be a common term used to refer to pharmacies provided by the Ministry of Public Health’s Essential Drugs Program (Promese/Cal). [2] Available medications include antihypertensive, antiallergic, vitamins, cold remedies, analgesics, serums and suture material.[3]






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