Work in progress!!


In this page, an open-source LIBS-core scanner is described. LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) is a form of atomic emission spectroscopy where a low energy but high power density laser pulse is used to ablate a small amount of material and turn it into plasma. When cooling down, the excess energy is emitted as photons with discrete energy states. From this light the elemental composition of the sample can be determined.

All the .scad and .stl files will be shared as soon as they are printed and tested.

The design is based on and


Lasse Kangas, Aalto University, Department of Civil Engineering



Early stage frame design, front
Early stage frame design, back
Concept model of the manual z-translator, back

Mechanical Parts

2 x MakerSlide - 25142-04 1800 mm
1 x MakerSlide - 25142-03 1000 mm
12 x Dual Bearing V-Wheel Kit - 25203-06
3 x Standard Wheel Carriage Plate - 25200-01
5400 mm 45x45 mm aluminium extrusion (Norcan)
6 x Eccentric Spacer - 25195-01
Aluminum Spacers - 25312-13
Button Head Cap Screw - 25286-05
Plastic MXL Pulley - Dual Flange - 25204-02
MXL Belting - Open Ended - 25205-01

Printable Parts

Laser casing
Fiber holder
Optics holders
Steppermotor mounts
3 x Belt braice to carriage


Arduino Mega 2560 R3
Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 kit - v2.3
SN754410 H-Bridge Motor Driver
Stepper motor - NEMA-17 size - 200 steps/rev, 12V 350mA
Optical Endstop Light Control Limit Switch for 3D Printer - RED

Power Source 5/12V

Estimated Costs

Frame and sliders:

2 x MakerSlide 1800 mm = 58€
MakerSlide 1000 mm = 20€
12 x Dual Bearing V-Wheel Kit = 53€
3 x Standard Wheel Carriage Plate = 19.5€
5400 mm 45x45 mm aluminium extrusion (Norcan) = 95€
6 x Eccentric Spacer - 25195-01 = $12
Aluminum Spacers - 25312-13 = $2.99
Button Head Cap Screw - 25286-05 = $2.99
Plastic MXL Pulley - Dual Flange - 25204-02 = $5.99
MXL Belting - Open Ended - 25205-01 = $1.99/12 in


2 x Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit - v2.3 35.58€
Arduino Mega 2560 Microcontroller Rev3 28.50€
Arduino Shield Stacking Headers 1.74€
3 x [1] $44.85
2 x Optical Endstop Light Control Limit Switch for 3D Printer - RED


Images of Prints

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