Template:242TRIZ[[category:242 TRIZ 3D printers]

Pgilly20 (talk) 06:21, 24 April 2017 (PDT)

improve resolution (atomic) improve print speed (instantaneous) enhance material availability (all) reduce parts of the printer (1?) reduce costs of printer (free) reduce costs of materials (free) make it easier to use (McDonald's screen) make it easier to assemble (self) make it easier to maintain (none, unbreakable, self healing) make fully assembled products (anything - computer, car, smartphone, dinner) use functional printing materials (e.g. electronics) reduce waste (zero) use less energy (zero or ambient) quieter printing (soundless) ubiquitous printing (everywhere) print smaller (nanoscale) print bigger (apartment complex, Great Wall of China, planet?) enable auto calibration enable auto leveling enable auto monitoring enable quality control enable real-time feedback make it safer (infant approved) make is smell good (designer imposters?) make it from current waste products (CO2, flyash, spent fuel rods?)

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