This page discusses how to run an international collaboration on scientific and engineering research in applied sustainability.

It includes links to software and services and provides an example project: Open source solar spectrum project

Teams are responsible for:

  1. In week 1, students choose a format for communication in both asynchronous and synchronous situations in private. You enable your advisors to see what is going on....(e.g. Emails are cc'd, blogs passwords are provided).
  1. In week 1, create a Gantt chart of tasks and the individuals that will be responsible for them
  1. Use a logged weekly full team meetings(voice)(private).
  1. Use a design journal/idea blog/chat room/wall, which is logged?(private).
  1. Share design iterations shared on Appropedia [project] and Thingiverse [designs] (public) – history file will track contributions.
  1. Building and testing the devices, with publishing full instructions/protocols.
  1. Develop method of sharing data access between universities and the public. See for example Pachube or consider ftp protocol – whatever is going to work.
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