Hello and welcome to the Indigenous Peoples Forest Wiki

This is a new project that has been started by User:Markuspetz. The idea is to allow all people from different indigenous communities to have a space where their perspectives can be shared.

The project has come about as part of Markus Petz's aim to go to Thailand and meet with indigenous Mountain Forest Peoples there and find out about FOREST CULTURE cultural aspects in relationship to forest and forestry practices there. This is supported by the P2P Foundation in Chaing Mai and STAKEHOLDERS PAGE others, and the initial aim is to recognize such community and p2p practises that can be found. You can see the RESEARCH CONCEPT PAGE research concept for this here.

Markus is doing this as part of his MSc in Mountain Forestry course, hopefully for his Master's Dissertation. This is being studied at BOKU, in Vienna, Austria. If this is successful then the Indigenous Peoples Forest Wiki may move to another site and be broader than it is right now. But for now it is hosted on Appropedia, so obeys the Appropedia terms and conditions. Please mark pages with the category Indigenous Peoples Forest Wiki.

Initially the aim is to raise money for Markus's research, travels and logistics. After this, additional funds and material will be available for supporting the Indigenous Peoples Forest Wiki You can support Markus and the Wiki by money, support in kind or giving info to this wiki.

There are more details coming on all these aspects.

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