• 1 peer reviewed journal article
  • 1 reference book
  • a few reputable web reference


Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) had a proposal to research and develop possible wave energy systems off the coast of Northern California. The proposal was called the Humboldt WaveConnect™ pilot project.

PG&E is no longer actively pursuing development of the Humboldt WaveConnect™ pilot project off the coast of Humboldt County in northern California. The main reasons for canceling the project were that the costs rose above the level of expenditure that the company could justify and a lack of available technology.[1]

Humboldt WaveConnect™ Pilot Project

The WaveConnect™ Program was introduced by PG&E in 2009.[2] Part of the program proposed a pilot study to be conducted off the coast of Humboldt County in Northern California.

The area of study was off to be located just outside of the Humboldt Bay. The preliminary permit allowed PG&E to conduct studies only, not construction, exclusion, or any physical disturbance.[3]






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