
A home energy audit is a tally of all of the heat and electricity use in your house. This describes an electrical energy audit, in which you assess the electrical energy demand of the appliances in your home or work in order to find ways to reduce. Often this is done using a spreadsheet and an energy meter such as a Killawatt.


Many conserve water by turning off faucets while brushing teeth and fixing leaks, but electricity is hard to see. An electrical home energy audit can help you understand your usage, conserve and even fix some leaks.


Before we start, here are some definitions. See Electricity basics for more.

Voltage (V)
Charge pressure measured in volts (V)
Current (I)
Flow of charge measured in amps (A)
Power (P)
Electrical power measured in watts (W)
Energy (E)
Electrical energy measured in watthours (Wh)
Usually seen in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or (kW-hrs), 1000 watthours.
Any electrical device plugged into the wall.
Phantom loads
Truly frightening beasts that suck energy even when devices are ‘’off’’’.


The basic idea of an electrical energy audit is to analyze the amount of electrical energy used by every device. This spreadsheet will help you complete your electrical energy audit. ....

Much more to come.

See also


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