Interesting facts on green topics.

Car fuel consumption standards

  • Japanese cars are required by law to get more than 45 miles per gallon whereas for cars in the U.S. the standard is under 25 mpg.
  • Australian cars have a voluntary target set in 2003 of 6.8L/100km for petrol passenger cars by 2010. This represents an 18% improvement in the fuel efficiency of new vehicles between 2002 and 2010.

Cycling saves carbon emissions

A cyclist who commutes 18km each way every day on a relatively flat commute will save each year:

  • 2.6 tonnes C02 and $7000 compared to a large car like a Land cruiser
  • 0.9 tonnes C02 and $3000 compared to small car like a Corolla

Trains are the best form of urban transport

Rail passenger transport has the lowest carbon emissions - full trains are clearly much more energy efficient than cars. Relative to a trip in a car, carbon emissions are:

  • Train trips - one eighth (8 times better)
  • Light rail - one quarter (4 times better)
  • Buses - one half (2 times better)

Household carbon emissions from electricity usage in Australia

  • The average Australian home uses about 20kW/h of electricity per day
  • This translates to about 9 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year
  • A solar efficient house with a solar array can greatly reduce or eliminate these emissions. More information.
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