Government PV Manufacturing Policy Literature Review


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1) government funded PV manufacturing facility policy
2) PV disassembly policy
3) PV recycling policy
4) photovoltaic manufacturing subsidies
5) PV recycling legislation
6) PV disassembly legislation
7) PV/photovoltaic take-back legislation/programs/policy

Queen's University Library:
1) PV manufacturing policy
2) PV/photovoltaic recycling policy/legislation
3) PV/photovoltaic disassembly policy/legislation

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1) PV/photovoltaic recycling policy/legislation
2) EU PV recycling
3) PV manufacturing subsidies
4) PV/photovoltaic disassembly policy/legislation
5) PV/photovoltaic take-back programs

1) Photovoltaic manufacturing
2) PV manufacturing subsidy(ies)
3) PV/photovoltaic disassembly policy/legislation
4) PV/photovoltaic take-back programs
5) PV/photovoltaic recycling policy/legislation

1) photovoltaic manufacturing
2) photovoltaic manufacturing plant subsidies
3) photovoltaic manufacturing in Germany
4) photovoltaic manufacturing subsidies
5) PV/photovoltaic recycling policy/legislation
6) PV/photovoltaic disassembly policy/legislation
7) PV/photovoltaic take-back legislation/policy

Search Results

PV Manufacturing Policy Results

1. Thomas Surek, "PROGRESS IN U.S. PHOTOVOLTAICS: LOOKING BACK 30 YEARS AND LOOKING AHEAD 20", National Renewable Energy Laboratory

- discusses the MW PV plants that were created in the US
- discusses the trends of PV manufacturing in the US

2. [ "ARISE Technologies Says Ontario’s FIT Program Will Launch Surge of Clean-Energy Projects"], ARISE Technologies Media Release, September 24, 2009

- ARISE is the leading photovoltaic manufacturer in Canada. The media release discusses the new FIT in Ontario and how this will affect ARISE.


- This paper draws lessons on how to effectively design policies to stimulate energy technology innovation, with a focus on the role of policy in the commercialization phase.
- Examines the role of the U.S. government in the development of four electricity generating technologies: gas turbines, coal-fired atmospheric fluidized bed boilers, solar photovoltaics and wind turbines.
- Examines the role of US policies in the development of each of the four technologies.
- Concludes with a comparison of the similarities and differences that government policy played in the development of each of the four technologies.

4. Raymond Dracker, "PROGRESS COMMERCIALIZING SOLAR-ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS", Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol 21, 371-402, 1996

- This paper touches on three main points that are relevant to my research: solar photovoltaic power, commercialization pathways, and long-term deployment strategies
- There is a basic explanation of the manufacturing process of wafer cells and thin-film cells
- Discusses the company Enron/Amoco
- Discusses barriers, a fundamental one being the absence on long-term policy commitment
- Discusses the environmental benefits of solar - no gas, liquid, or solid waste emissions

5. Mitchell, R.L. Witt, C.E. King, R. Ruby, D., "PVMaT advances in the photovoltaic industry and the focus of future PV manufacturing R&D", Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2002

Abstract: The DOE Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) Project has conducted cost-shared manufacturing R&D with the photovoltaic industry for over 10 years. During this time, research has focused on the project's stated objectives of improving photovoltaic manufacturing processes and products, lowering manufacturing costs, and providing a foundation for the scale-up of US photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing. Progress made by each of the US PV industry participants in this project has resulted in a significant reduction in the industry's direct PV module-manufacturing costs and an impressive scale-up in US PV manufacturing capacity. The majority of the efforts have been module related. Results in terms of automation, yield, and throughput have provided a significant reduction in direct manufacturing costs. Cost reductions and capacity increases resulting from these efforts are discussed.

6. C. Edwin Witt, Richard L. Mitchell, Holly P. Thomas, Martha I. Symko, "MANUFACTURING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PHOTOVOLTAIC MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY (PVMAT) PROJECT", National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1998

- The Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology Project (PVMaT) is a government/industry research and development (R&D) partnership between the U.S. federal government and members of the U.S. PV industry.
- The goals of PVMaT are to help the U.S. PV industry improve module manufacturing
processes and equipment; accelerate manufacturing cost reductions for PV modules, balance-of-systems components, and integrated systems; increase commercial product performance and reliability; and enhance the investment opportunities for substantial scale-ups of U.S.-based PV manufacturing plant capacities.
- The PVMaT is broken up into 5 phases, Phase 1, 2, 3, 4A/B and 5A.
- This paper discusses companies that have benefited in phases 4A and 5A - and explains the types of funding they were granted and for what purpose.


- Focuses on the government purchasing PV energy rather than purchasing PV manufacturing facilities - not of very much use for this pproject
- Discusses the bias of the US Government toward the purchase of energy from fossil fuels, rather than PV and revewable sources
- Focuses on the fact that it is not enough for government to focus on the development of new technologies—government must also support the technologies’ commercial application.
- Defends the benefits of PV and other renewable energy

8. "Deutsche Solar AG Website"

- Deutsche Solar AG is a manufacturing company based out of Germany, however it has expanded to other parts of Europe as well.
- The company has created a spin-off company, SolarMaterial, which focuses on recycling used solar cells.
- It does not limit the recycling to modules created by Deutsche Solar AG, but rather provides anyone with a means of returning a module for recycling.
- The website has a lot of information on the recycling program and well as other useful resources.

9. Michael T. Eckhart, "Financing Solar Energy in the U.S.", Renewable Energy Policy Project, 1999

- This paper is somewhat bias because it is written by the Renewable Energy Policy Project which is in favour of promoting renewable energy in the US.
- It discusses the many aspects involved in solar energy policy in the US. Some of these points include:
- whether the money will be repaid
- Confusion over technical quality, utility interconnection, safety, economic viability, and insurability

10. Staffan Jacobsson and Volkmar Lauber, "The politics and policy of energy system transformation—explaining the German diffusion of renewable energy technology", Energy Policy, Vol 34, 256-276, 2006

- This paper discusses the growing solar industry in Germany, reasons for its growth and methods that Germany has used to achieve such successful growth.
- Different policy strategies employed in Germany are also discussed.

11. Joshua M. Pearce, "Industrial symbiosis of very large-scale photovoltaic manufacturing", Renewable Energy, Vol 33, 1101-1108, 2008

- This paper describes the benefits of creating large scale PV manufacturing plants
- Discusses the concept of government investment in PV manufacturing plants, and the returns that they will see, financially and socially
- Discusses the number of jobs created in PV compared to other conventional energy

12. Analysis of commercial activity in photovoltaics by Peat Marwick Consulting Group.

Need to read.

Summary: The photovoltaic (PV) industry in Canada is highly concentrated with a limited number of players in manufacturing, distribution, installation, R&D and other related areas. This study developed a profile of the commercial activity in PVs and provided a description of key world trends on research, market opportunities and public policy. The study included a planning phase using expert opinion; a commercial activity survey mailed out to 22 respondents; a qualitative survey administered to a sub-set of 22 respondents; and a review of recent and key literature. The commercial activity survey was only answered by 11 of the 22 respondents, leading to a possible bias.,1&SEQ=20090921180910&Search%5FArg=PV%20manufacturing%20policy&Search%5FCode=GKEY%5E&CNT=25&PID=Jmt2rkvlO2dIdrRf1Gkndf_kakMHv&SID=1

13. The Emerging photovoltaic industry : an analysis of literature on international markets and trends by Peat Marwick Consulting Group

Need to read.

Summary: Today, at least 500 companies in the world are engaged in some activity related to photovoltaic (PV) research, manufacturing, system integration and marketing. This report presents a brief review of the relevant and recent literature technology and price on the international PV market; market developments and size; and public sector policy.Since the bulk of the literature reviewed originated in the U.S. (most non-U.S. literature is either unavailable or not in English), the trends reported primarily reflect the thinking of U.S. specialists on the worldwide PV markets.,2&SEQ=20090921181243&Search%5FArg=PV%20manufacturing%20policy&Search%5FCode=GKEY%5E&CNT=25&PID=Q_feBiA1Wj7f5uM4QtE5dFox5tEun&SID=1

14. Germany Trade and Invest, "The Photovoltaic Industry in Germany – The World’s Strongest PV Cluster", 1999

- This report touches on many relevant points for my research.
- The report discusses the Joint Task initiative in Germany which was created by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology to help subsidize and fund PV manufacturing facilities in Germany.
- The main goals of the Joint Task Initiative are "to improve the overall structure of economically weak regions" and "to create and secure competitive, skilled permanent jobs".

15. US department of Energy, "Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit", 2009

- This paper is very relevant to my research
- Discusses the details of the new tax credit for renewable energy manufacturers.
- The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA) authorizes the Department of Treasury to award $2.3 billion in tax credits for qualified investments in advanced energy projects, to support new, expanded, or re-equipped domestic manufacturing facilities.

16. W J Baumol, "Environmental Industries with Substantial Start-Up Costs as Contributors to Trade Competitiveness", Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol 20, 71-81, 1995

- Suggests that if subsidies are used they only be used for a certain set time, after which they will be stopped because the industry should be able to continue to grow and thrive once they have the first push
- Develops the notion that solar subsidies are beneficial not only because they help the solar industry but because they support a technology that will benefit the environment and ultimately the public
- Discusses the impact of government policy on determining "winning technologies". The policy to support a certain technology but not another will lead to more growth in the first.

17. Daniel Richa and J. David Roessnerb, "Tax credits and US solar commercialization policy", Energy Policy, Vol 18, 186-198, 1990

- The main focus of this article is to develop the idea of tax credits in the US to promote solar commercialization.
- One key point that the paper touches on is that no matter the incentives, tax credits, etc...if a technology is not well researched or developed it will not succeed in the market. This will be important to consider in my research - any PV industry that is new to Canada must be sustained by the resources available in Canada.
- Discusses the potential for suppliers to inflate initial costs because of subsidies - this will be something to ensure when creating subsidy policy in Canada

18. Andrea Sarzynski, "STATE  POLICY  EXPERIMENTATION WITH  FINANCIAL  INCENTIVES FOR  SOLAR  ENERGY", George Washington Institute of Public Policy, 2009

Need to read the paper.

- Appendix 2 lists subsidies, grants, loan programs by state in the US - specific ones of importance are those in Virginia, Massachusetts

19. Dianne Rahm, "US public policy and emerging technologies : The case of solar energy", Energy Policy, Vol 21, 374-384, 1993

- Not a very relevant source for this research
- This article explores the how public policy in the US has affected the rate at which solar technology has developed in the US.
- It also discusses some of the policies in the US for R&D and manufacturing.

20. M. Oliver and T. Jackson, "The market for solar photovoltaics", Energy PolicyVol 27, 371-385, 1999

- Relationship between subsidies, investment, large scale markets and cost reductions - full cycle
- Three major solar companies: Siemens, Sanyo, Amoco/Enron
- Good pie chart from 1994 showing the use of the different solar cells: cadmium telluride, amorphous silicon, ribbon, crystalline silicon
- List of the kinds of subsidies: tax incentives, low interest loans, buyback rates, green pricing

21. Frank Kreith, Barbara Foster and Matthew Brown, "Incentives for renewable energy generation in the United States", Renewable Energy, Vol 9', 1081-1085, 1996

- Point about the amount of subsidies in the US for developers and users of renewable energy
- VERY good break down of subsidies by state in the US - included are: Arizona, Connecticut, Minnesota, Alaska, Virginia, North Dakota, Arkansas
- List of the kinds of financial assistance: tax relief, grants/bonds/loans, incentive payments, rates/rents/return on investment gain, regulation exemptions, set asides, payments in lieu of taxes, encouragement, consultation planning

22. Björn A. Sandén, "The economic and institutional rationale of PV subsidies", Solar Energy, Vol 78, 137-146 , 2005

- Draws the relationship that subsidies increase the number and size of manufacturing plants. The great the size, the better the production. Greater production causes decreased cost and drives down the cost of subsidies
- Explains that solar is in a catch-22: it is not widely used because of the high cost, and the high cost is due to the low level of adoption.

23. Claus-Ulrich Mai, "Meeting the gigawatt challenge", Renewable Energy Focus, Vol 9, 38-40, 2008

- This article discusses different methods that we can create Gigawatt Manufacturing Facilities
- Discusses the possibility of a lack of silicon, which would affect the silicon cell industry
- Silicon based cells comprise of about 90% of worldwide cell demand
- It also briefly discusses thin-film technology

24. Mischa Bechbergera, and Danyel Reiche, "Renewable energy policy in Germany: pioneering and exemplary regulations", Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol 8, 47-57, 2004

- Germany has the second largest instralled photovoltaic capacity in the world - nearly 350 MW at the end of Sept 2003
- German laws discussed: feed-in-laws of 1991, Act on Supplying Electricity from Renewables, Renewable Energy Sources Act, 100,000 roofs photovoltaic programme, Market Incentive Programme
- Germany uses four different types of subsidies: direct investment subsidies, soft loans, tax allowances, and subsidies for the operational costs/feed-in-tariffs
- Market Incentive Programme (MAP) - support through direct investment subsidies and soft loans, the latter up to 100% of the investment costs

25. Janet Wood, "Solar energy in Germany: A Market Review", Refocus, Vol 7, 24-30, 2006

- EEG, feed-in-tariff
- Manufacturing companies - Sunways, Sputnik Engineering
- Discusses the major cell materials and the emergence of new kinds of cells (thin-film cells)

26. "RoHS Compliance FAQ", RoHS Guide, 2009

- A basic explanation of RoHS in Europe as well as a basic explanation of WEEE. This website also explains how the two are related.

27. [ "FAST SOLAR ENERGY FACTS", SolarBuzz, 2009

- Includes a "quick list" of facts about the solar industry in Japan.
- Ex. "The most important federal program initiated was the Residential PV System Dissemination Program. Between Fiscal Year 1994 and Fiscal Year 2005, it funded for total installations of over 930 MW, comprised of over 250,000 residential PV systems, and successfully reduced the buy-down rebate from ¥900,000/kW in Fiscal Year 1994 to mere ¥20,000/kW in Fiscal Year 2005."

28. Masafumi Yamaguchi, "Present status and prospects of photovoltaic technologies in Japan", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 5, 113-135, 2001

- There is a section in this paper that focuses on the solar manufacturing market in Japan
- "This remarkable increase in solar cell module production is mainly due to initiation of the government subsidy program for private PV houses" (page 127)
- Has some very detailed and useful tables/graphs/charts of solar cell use in the world and in Japan - Describes the different kinds of solar cells

29. Ian H. Rowlands, "Envisaging feed-in tariffs for solar photovoltaic electricity: European lessons for Canada", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 9, 1-68, 2005

Need to read.

30.Paul Parke, "Residential solar photovoltaic market stimulation: Japanese and Australian lessons for Canada", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 12, 1944-1958, 2008

Need to read.

31. "What is the Feed-in Tariff Program?", Ontario Power Authority, 2009

- Description of the new Feed-in-Tarriffs in Ontario

32. "Solar Financing, Subsidies And Incentives", The Solar Guide

- Shows a list of subsidies for photovoltaics in the United States.
- Those of particular interest are "Production Incentive" which include Conservation Security Program (CSP), Production Incentive and Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI)

33. "First Solar Website"

- First Solar is a well recognized American photovoltaic manufacturer in the United States.
- They have now expanded to parts of Europe. They not only focus on the manufacturing of photovoltaics, but have also recently undertaken recycling initiatives for their solar panels.
- Browsing their website provides a breadth of information on their policies and initiatives.

PV Recycling/Disassembly Policy

1. Vasilis M. Fthenakis, "End-of-life management and recycling of PV modules", Energy Policy, Vol 28, 1051-1058, 2000

- VERY USEFUL PAPER!!! - Begins with an introduction to photovoltaic cells and the environmental benefits of the technology
- Explains policy and methods of electronic device recycling and how this can be applied to PV
- Discusses the possibility for collecting, recycling and the feasibility of this process.
- Has a great flow chart of a possible recycling process for PV

2. Tim Jackson and Mark Oliver, "The viability of solar photovoltaics", Energy Policy, Vol 28, 983-988, 2000


3. Karsten Wambach, Sylke Schlenker, Ingo Röver, Anja Müller, "Recycling Of Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Modules", Deutsche Solar AG - SolarMaterial

- Discusses the advantages of PV recycling and how it can be done. Also mentions some policy surrounding PV recyclability.

4. K. Wambach1, S. Schlenker1, A. Jäger-Waldau, "A VOLUNTARY TAKE BACK SYSTEM FOR PV MODULES IN EUROPE", 20th European Photovoltaic Sol ar Energy Conference, 2005

- VERY USEFUL ARTICLE!!! - Discusses RoHS and WEEE
- Discusses the end-of-life cost of PV panels
- Develops the idea of reuse and recycling of solar panels
- Explains policy in Europe relating to take-back costs and recycling

5. "IMPLICATIONS OF EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS", M.J. de Wild-Scholten, K. Wambach, E.A. Alsema, and A. Jäger-Waldau, National Renewable Energy Laboratory


6. David Appleyard, "Light Cycle: Recycling PV Materials", Renewable Energy World Magazine, 2009

- This article discusses the growing PV market in Europe, especially in Germany and the waste created by end-of-use cells
- Discusses the different types of PV modules and the recycling process for each.
- It also discusses ways that Germany and other parts of Europe plan to reduce the waste associated with PV through recycling and disassembly.

7. "Foundation PV CYCLE – European photovoltaic industry initiative for solar module take back and recycling", Gunther Portfolio - Photovoltaics, Solar Energy and Energy Policy

- This article discusses the PV CYCLE program in Europe.
- Also discusses an initiative by First Solar which estimated future costs of reclaiming and recycling their modules at their end of life

8. "Toward a Just and Sustainable Solar Energy Industry", A Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, 2009

- Discusses the expanding sector of PV technology - Talks about the potential waste of PV technology at the end-of-life - Discusses possible ways to deal with the end-of-life waste of PV technology

9. Siân Harris, "German legislation generates photovoltaic leadership", Solar & Alternative Energy, 2007

- First Solar's Sohn says that his company was able to source more than half of its equipment from suppliers within Germany. - First Solar also has helped a Canadian company invest in a new processing facility in Brandenburg that will operate part of First Solar's collection and recycling process. - This program means that that every module made in First Solar's Frankfurt (Oder) factory can be recycled.

10. Kari Larsen, "End-of-life PV: then what? - Recycling solar PV panels", Renewable Energy Focus, Vol 10, 48-53, 2009

- Paper discusses the responsibility of PV manufacturing companies with regards to recycling and creating technology with the end-of-life in mind
- PV Cycle is introduced - a voluntary take back system for PV cells in Europe
- Provides a good table of waste quantities from end-of-life PV cells
- Explains the recycling process of SolarWorld which re-uses and recycles silicon panels

11. "Canadian Solar joins ranks of PV Cycle", Renewable Energy Focus, 2009


12. Eberspacher, C. Gay, C.F. and Moskowitz, P.D., "Strategies for recycling CdTe photovoltaic modules", Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 1994


13. Anja Muller, Karsten Wambach and Erik Alsema, "Life Cycle Analysis of a Solar Module Recycling Process", 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2005

- Discusses the process of recycling a solar module - The process is described for

14. Parikhit Sinha, a, , Christopher J. Kriegnera, William A. Schewa, Swiatoslav W. Kaczmara, Matthew Traistera and David J. Wilsona, "Regulatory policy governing cadmium-telluride photovoltaics: A case study contrasting life cycle management with the precautionary principle", Energy Policy, Vol 3, 381-387, 2008

- Very in-depth explanation of Cadmium-telluride cells
- Discusses the benefits and disadvantages of this type of PV cell
- Describes policy which exists that does not allow certain levels of cadmium to be introduced into the market (ex is in China)
- Discusses the human health risks of working and manufacturing CdTe cells
- Discusses the end of product life risks of CdTe cells

15. R.W. Miles, , K.M. Hynes and I. Forbes, "Photovoltaic solar cells: An overview of state-of-the-art cell development and environmental issues", Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials, Vol 51, 1-42, 2005

- This article provides a detailed description of the different types of PV cells. These include: monocrystalline silicon, multicrystalline silicon, silicon ribbon, amorphous silicon, microcrystalline silicon, HIT solar cell, other thin film silicon concepts, CdTe cells
- There is a very comprehensive section on environmental issues of PV, which include the external costs, life cycle analysis of different types of PV cells, environmental assessments, and recycling
- Within the recycling section there is a number of recycling processes that companies have either planned, piloted or created within their business. Some of these will be good cases to base Ontario policy after
- the recycling process for crystalline silicon, thin film modules (CdTe & CIS), and other silicon cells are mentioned

16. Eyring, G., "Policy implications of green product design", Electronics and the Environment, 1993


17. V. M. Fthenakis, C. Eberspacher and P. D. Moskowitz, "Recycling strategies to enhance the commercial viability of CIS photovoltaics", PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, Vol 4, 447-456, 1996


18. Vasilism, Fthenakis, Hyungchulkim, Anderikalsema, "Emissions from Photovoltaic Life Cycles", Environmental Science Technology, Vol 42, 2168-2174, 2008

- This is a key article to understand the emissions that are created from photovoltaics. Often PV is regarded as a non-emitting technology, however this paper discusses the emissions of the manufacturing, mining and recycling process in PV
- There are some good comparative statistics of PV emissions to coal and other energy industry emissions
- The paper also provides a number of very comprehensive graphs of emissions by types of chemicals released from PV cells (ex. GHG, NOx, SOx, Cd, Ni, etc. - In addition there is a good chart showing the amount of emissions from different types of energy (ex. CdTe, ribbon-Si, mc-Si, mono-Si, Hard coal, lignite, natural gas, oil, nuclear, hydro, etc)

19. "Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Stopping the Solar Photovoltaic Waste Stream Before It Starts", Texas Solar Energy Society, 2008


20. Miquel A. Aguado-Monsonet, "The environmental impact of photovoltaic technology", INSTITUTE FOR PROSPECTIVE TECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES, 1998

- Has a section on PV recycling and disassembly.

21. Ken Zweibel , "PV Module Recycling in the US", U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 2004


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