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[[Category:Health and safety]]
[[Category:Medical care]]

Revision as of 02:05, 24 February 2008

A basic First Aid kit

  • 1 each Basic First Aid Book, in plain language
  • 2 each Bandages (Ace) elastic, 4"
  • 4 each Bandages, gauze, 2" x 2"
  • 2 each Bandages, gauze, 3" x 3" and 4" x 4"
  • 1 each Bandages, gauze, 18" x 36"
  • 2 each Bandages for burns (Second Skin) 3" x 3-1/2"
  • 3 each Triangular Bandages
  • 1 box Band-Aids in assorted sizes, flexible and moisture resistant best
  • 1 box Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 1 box Butterfly sutures or Leukostrips
  • 1 each Cold/heat Pack, reusable
  • 1 box Cotton Swabs
  • 1 box Dental Floss
  • 1 box Epsom salts
  • 1 each Eyedropper
  • 2 rolls First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 10 yards and 1" x 5 yards
  • 4 pair Gloves, lightweight rubber, (for medical and hygiene purposes)
  • 1 tube Insect Repellent (DEET)
  • 1 bottle Isopropyl Alcohol
  • 1 box Masks, Respiratory, surgical (like the 3M N95 Particulate Disposable Respirators)
  • 1 bottle Meat Tenderizer for insect bites and stings
  • 1 box Moistened Towelettes
  • 1 each Nail Clipper
  • 1 box Razor Blades, single edge
  • 1 box Safety Pins, assorted sizes
  • 1 each SAM splint
  • 1 each Scalpel
  • 1 each Scissors, Surgical pointed
  • 1 each Snake bite kit
  • 1 bottle Soap, liquid, antibacterial
  • 6 each Tongue Depressors
  • 2 each Thermometers, disposal OR 1 digital, (no breakables with mercury)
  • 1 each Tweezers

  • 1 tube Analgesic Cream (Camphophenique, Paraderm Plus)
  • 1 box Antacid (Mylanta, Tums, Pepto-Bismal)
  • 1 series Antibiotic (Tetracycline for general infections)
  • 1 box Anti-Diarrheal (Imodium, Diasorb, Lomotil)
  • 1 box Anti-fungal (Desenex, Micatin, Tinactin, Lotrimin)
  • 1 box Antihistamine (Benadryl, Claratyne)
  • 1 tube Antiseptic Ointment (Neosporin, Dettol)
  • 1 each Anti-toxin (DMSO)
  • 1 tube Burns (Hydrocortisone, Derm-Aid)
  • 1 box Cold/Flu Tablets (Nyquil, Repetabs)
  • 1 box Constipation (Ex-Lax, Dulcolax, Durolax)
  • 1 bottle Cough Syrup (Robitussen, Dimetap)
  • 1 box Decongestant (Actifed, Sudafed, Repetabs)
  • 1 bottle Eye Drops (Visine)
  • 1 tube Hemorrhoid Relief (Preparation H, Anusol)
  • 1 box Ibuprofen (Advil, Nurofen, Paracetamol)
  • 1 bottle Itching, Insect/Rash (Caladril, Calamine)
  • 1 tube Itching (Dibucaine, Paraderm, Lanacane)
  • 1 tube Lip Balm (ChapStick, Blistex)
  • 1 tube Lubricant, Water Soluble (K-Y Jelly)
  • 1 bottle Nasal Decongestant (Sinex, Ornex)
  • 1 box Nausea, Motion Sickness (Kwells, Dramamine, Travacalm, Meclizine)
  • 1 box Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever (Tylenol)
  • 1 box Pain, Fever Reducer (Panadeine, Mobigesic)
  • 1 box Pain Reliever with Codeine (Panamax, Tylenol 3)
  • 1 Prescription (A supply of any you are taking)
  • 1 jar Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)
  • 1 bottle Poison Ivy/Oak (Dermarest Poison Ivy Mousse or Ivarest)
  • 1 packet Poison Absorber (Activated Charcoal)
  • 1 bottle Radiation Protection (Potassium Iodide-[KI] or Potassium Iodate-[KIO3] either is fine)
  • 1 can Sunburn Relief (Solarcaine, Paxyl)
  • 1 bottle Sunscreen (SPF 15 at least)
  • 1 bottle Vomit Inducer (Ipecac, Activated charcoal)
  • 1 tube Yeast Infection Treatment (Gyne-Lotrimin, Monistat)

This information may be used by you freely for noncommercial use only with my name and website address attached.



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