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Fahrrad-Anhänger mit Regen-Deckblatt

Ich habe mich entscheiden, einen Fahrrad-Anhänger für persönliche Benutzung bauen. Weil ich in Arcata wohnen, finde ich es einfach und amüsant überall fahren, außer wann ich muss Sachen bewegen, die in meinen Rucksack nicht passen. Also, ein Fahrrad-Anhänger würde die logische Lösung meines Problem. Es wird mir erlauben, selbstbewusst zu sein. Ein Regen-Deckblatt wird ins Design für Behandlung durch schlechtes Wetter einbeziehen, weil es hier ganz oft regnet.

Verstehen den Market

Die Literaturbesprechen

Ayre, Michael. (1986). “The design of bicycle trailers.” Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd. 9 King Street, London WC2 8HW, UK.

  • Ein tolles Betriebsmittel für einen Fahrrad-Anhänger Anfänger. Behandelt alles gebraucht für eigenen Fahrrad-Anhänger bauen einschließlich, Design, Anhängunganlage, Auflast, Frame, Radsatz, und Nutzen.

Ballantine, Richard , Richard Grant. (1992). “Richards’ ultimate bicycle book.” Dorling Kindersley, INC. New York.

  • Berichten Sie für einfach Fahhrad Erhaltung und Reparatur.

Carrell, Al. (1973). “The super handyman’s big bike book.” Prentice –Hall Inc,. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

  • Gute Empfehlung für Fahhradteile, Werkzeuge und Erhaltung.

Krieg, Martin. Help map the national bicycle greenway. Plans, Community bike cart designs and Instructables. http://www.bikeroute.com/WhyTrailer.php#Sources

  • Ob folgen Sie den "gesellschaft Fahrrad-Anhänger Designs" Link nach, können Sie viele Entwurfsplanung für die andere Anhänger Möglichkeiten finden. Mehr Entwurfsplanung können unter den "Instructables" Link finden sein.

Projekt Anforderungen


  • Kosten (weniger als 50 USD)
  • Gewicht (Gewicht=8)
  • Einfachheit (Einfächer zu bauen ist besser. Am allermesiten, einfächer zu bauen abmachen und anmachen ist besser)(Gewicht=8)
  • die Beständigkeit des Baustoff (mehr regendicht ist besser) (Gewicht=7)
  • Menge der beweglich Teilen (weniger ist besser) (Gewicht=3)
  • Erhältlichkeit des Baustoff vor Ort (näher von Arcata ist besser) (Gewicht=5)


März 13, 09 : letztendliches Projekt-Design abgeschlossen März 15, 09 : kaufen alle Werkstoffkunde abgeschlossen März 22, 09 : bauen den Anhänger, alle Teilen und anhängen es zu den Rad abgeschlossen März 30, 09 : alle Problembehandlung abgeschlossen, leztendliches Projekt fertig April 16, 09 : schreiben den letztendlichen Report und die Website fertigmachen abgeschlossen


Ein Instep Kinderwagen werde in Arcata Angles of Hope Brochenhaus gefunden. Es war für $20.00 USD gekauft. Der Wagen war disassembliert und einen Fahrrad-Anhänger war aus die Teilen gebaut.

Die Zunge des Anhänger :

Figure 1: "Zunge" des Anhänger

The front portion of the stroller originally holding the front wheel was converted into the front portion of the trailer “tongue” that hooks onto the rear bike rack (figure 1).

Figure 2: Bolt to attach the trailer to the rear bike rack

I took the front wheel bracket and installed a 6inch by 5/8ths inch bolt to it. Washers were used to hold the bolt in place. Then a 1 1/4th inch chain was slipped onto the bolt and help in place by 4 washers and 2 nuts. So there are 6 total washers, to brace the towing chain. 4 nuts total were used (Figure 2).

Then a safety chain was added from the shaft of the bolt to the brace of the frame (figure 1). The chain is held in place by a bolt screwed through the brace. Rubber washers were placed between the brace and the chain, and then a washer and then a nut were added to secure it in place (figure 1).

Figure 3: Trailer with rain fly off

The frame leading form the rear axel to the tongue was already attached, To turn it into the trailer, it was flipped upside-down with the wheels remaining attached. Then a supporting “L” shaped beam was a added to fix the position of the tongue and frame (Figure 3). First holes were drilled with a high speed drill bit (1/4 inch).

Then a screw was inserted into the hole to hold it together. Rubber washers were placed between the screw head and the metal frame, and on the other side, between the metal frame and the nut holding the screw on.

The basket was attached to the frame via three u brackets, 1 in the front and two in the rear, and two hook support screws, one on either side (Figure 3).

Figure 4: Top shot of the rain fly
Figure 5: Fly attached with velcro

The rain fly from the jogger was taken and attached to the basket with four Velcro straps (Figures 4 and 5).


  • Budget
Frame Hardware
$50.00 $25.00

I did not have to spend the entire budget. Only $20.00 was spent on the frame of the trailer. The entire $25.00 dollars was spent on the hardware. Hardware included bolts, nuts, washers and chain.


Overall, the project was a success. Converting the Instep baby jogger/stroller was strait forward. Only 2 holes needed to be drilled and there was no welding required. It can hold at least 200 pounds applied directly onto the basket area, while the trailer is static. The design criteria were met. The trailer cost less than $ 50.00 out of pocket. Since the trailer was converted from the jogger, it is inherently light, durable and light. The Jogger was purchased at a local thrift store, so the material was available locally.

One disadvantage for this design is a rear bike rack is required to hitch the trailer onto, and the bike rack itself had to be modified for easy removal of the trailer.

When bicycling uphill pulling a load of 20 lbs, there was a lag between the trailer and the bike. Consequently the trailer pulls back slightly.I found that a simple bungie cord eliminates this problem. Unfortuninatly it cause the trailer to hit the rear tire, which was not previously a problem. Thus, I removed the bungie cord and am still trouble shooting ideas to prevent the lag.

The rain fly was tested by leaving the trailer outside for 12 hours while it was raining. An object was placed in the basket beneath the rain fly. When I checked the object after 12 hours, I found that it was not even damp. Thus, I will have to conclude the rain fly is a sucess.

Kontakt Information

Heidi hml8@humboldt.edu

Translated by: User:Paul_Wilson

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