

A rapid composting system was designed by ENGR215 Team 6 to find a better use for the green waste generated at the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center. Below is a detailed page on the process and cost of building the rapid compost system.

Problem Statement

The Friends of the Dunes invites volunteers every week to remove invasive plants in the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center. Each week, a volume of approximately 6’x6’x6’ of green waste is generated and shipped off the site to be taken care of miles away. In an effort to manage the waste on site, rather than shipping it, a rapid composting system was designed.


Criteria Weight Constraint
Cost 4 Less than $400
Ease of Use 7 Usable by untrained volunteers
Educational Value 6 At least volunteers learn more about rapid compost systems
Effectiveness 9 Must be able to process about 6’x6’x6’ of yard waste every 14-21 days
Labor Intensity 5 Cannot require more maintenance than 1-2 times a week for 2-3 hours each day
Availability of Amendments 2 Bought locally and cheaply
Aesthetics 6 More professional than a tarp
Safety 10 Non-toxic and will not spontaneously combust
Durability 8 Stable for at least one year

Description of Final Project

The rapid compost system is a three chamber structure insulated with beach grass bales. The structure is 4'x5'2"x15' and each chamber is 4'x4'x4'. The beach grass will provide insulation necessary to regulate the internal temperature of the system. To protect the bales from rain, a lime plaster will surround the structure. A corrugated metal roof will also add extra protection from rain.

File: FOTD Compost Location.jpg
How to Build the Rapid Compost System

Materials Cost

Materials Unit Cost($) Quantity Subtotal($) Tax($) Total($)
Our own materials Cost Number of units C times Number of Units taxes time taxes
Our own materials 4.49 1 4.49 0.40 4.89
Our own material 2.99 12 35.88 3.23 39.11
Total $ Total

Design Cost

Figure 8: Time Invested

Group Time input.jpg

Test Results

Add some numbers and results of compost system.

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