Energy efficiency is a responsibility of both corporations and individuals. While most of us will have little say in how our workplaces are managed, we can make significant energy savings in our homes and every day lives.

Reducing Energy Use at Home

This is an often overlooked area of energy efficiency but is one that can give significant benefits in terms of reduced carbon output and lower energy bills. Many gadgets and everyday household items now consume electricity, and the easiest way to reduce their power usage is simply to turn them off when they are not in use.

Items such as televisions, stereos, computer monitors and even battery and mobile phone chargers all consume electricity even when in standby mode. Turning these devices off when they are not in use will have a significant long term impact on the amount of energy they consume.

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Reducing Energy Use in Industry

Conventional engineering practice can be used to improve energy efficiency in many industry processes, this exciting field is expanding rapidly.

Die casting is an example of an industry process where this is being applied.

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