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= Emergency Childbirth =
= Emergency Childbirth =
Wenn die meisten Menschen darüber nachdenken, wie sie eine Geburt geben werden, planen sie dies in einem Krankenhaus zu tun, wo Ärzte alles erledigen und die Patienten nur pressen müssen wenn es ihnen gesagt wird. Aber es gibt manchmal Schwierigkeiten, dabei es ist unmöglich ins Krankenhaus zu kommen oder medizinische Pflege zu bekommen. Für solche Fälle ist es sehr hilfreich zu wissen was zu tun ist.
When most people think about giving birth they plan on it being in a hospital where the doctors does everything and they do nothing more than push when they're told to -- but complications do occur and sometimes getting to the hospital or getting medical attention to you is impossible, in which case it is always helpful to know what would need to be done in a situation as such.

== Three Stages ==
== Three Stages ==
=== Stage 1 ===
=== Stage 1 ===
1. Zustand der Streckung: die ersten Signale können nur für die Mutter wahrnehmbar sein. Das sind Schmerzen im unterem Rückenbereich und krämpfende Schmerzen (Verkürzungen) im Unterleib.
*The main purpose of the first stage is for the womb contracts by itself to open and bring the baby down the birth canal []. This found much easier if the mother is kept calm and relaxed as well as occupied.  
2. Als Anstrengunen/Schmerzen weiter statt finden, werden Verkürzungen stärker, bleiben läger an und werden häufiger. Wenn die Verkürzungen sich alle 3-4 Minuten wiederholen und länger als 50-60 Sekunden andauern, befindet sich die Mutter im letzten Abschnitt der ersten Phase.
3. Verkürzungen werden öfter und stärker. Die Mutter wird oft unfreiwilliges tiefes Stöhnen mit jeder Verkürzung von sich geben. Die Geburt des Kindes steht jetzt unmittelbar bevor

'''The following events occur as part of the first stage of labor and delivery.'''
1. The state of dilation: the first signs may be noticeable only to the mother, low-backache and irregular 
cramping pains (contractions) in the lower abdomen.
2. As labor progresses, the contractions become stronger, last longer, and become more regular. When the 
contractions recur at regular 3-4 minute intervals and last from 50-60 seconds, the mother is in the latter part of the first stage.
3. The contractions will get stronger and more frequent. The mother will often make an involuntary, deep 
grunting, moan with each contraction. The delivery of the baby is now imminent.

Eine wichtige Aufgabe für Freunde und Familienangehörige, die bei der Mutter sind, ist die Verkürzungen zeitlich zu messen um zu wissen wie weit sie mit der Geburt ist. Das macht man, indem man die Hand auf den Unterleib der Mutter legt und fängt an die Zeit zu messen wenn er hart wird und hört auf zu messen wenn er komplett entspannt ist. Außerdem ist es sehr wichtig äußerst aufmerksam zu der Mutter zu sein. Zum Beispiel, wenn sie durstig ist, ihr was zu trinken zu geben (vorzüglich Eiswürfeln), wenn sie hungrig ist, ihr etwas Essen zu besorgen. Aber das wichtigste Anliegen ist es sicher zu stellen, dass die Mutter komplett entspannt bleibt, um eine gesunde Geburt zu ermöglichen. Das ist leider die Phase vor der die Männer sich am meisten fürchten, wenn sie Geburte im Fernsehen sehen und wie Männer oft verbal missbraucht werden. Aber seien Sie unbesorgt, das ist völlig normal, das ist die peinlichste Phase für die Mutter die gebärt, wie kann man es ihr übel nehmen. In dieser Phase gibt es oft Symptome wie das Erbrechen, das Weinen, die Rückenschmerzen und sogar der Wunsch die Geburt abzubrechen. Das beste was man als Freund oder Man machen kann ist sich so fröhlich und glücklich zu benehmen (auch wenn sie sich zur Tode furchten), zu wissen, dass sie Angst haben, macht es nicht eichfacher für die Mutter das Kind zur Welt zu bringen.  
*An important thing to know for friends or family members with the mother is to time her contractions so they know how far along she is. You will do this by placing your hand on her abdomen and timing from the moment it starts to get hard to the moment it becomes 
Wie es bereits früher erwähnt wurde, ist die Entspannung das Wichtigste bei der Geburt. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass sie tief atmet(so dass ihr Bauch hoch und runter geht), aber nicht zu schnell, weil dies zu einem kribbligen Gefühl an ihren Händen und Füßen führen kann, das vorrüber gehend ist.
fully relaxed. It is also very important to be extremely attentive to the mother. For instance if she is thirsty, get her a drink
(particularly ice chips), if she is hungry, bring her a small amount of food. The main concern for a safe a healthy delivery is to
make sure the mother is completely relaxed.

* This, unfortunately for you the husband, is probably the stage you dread most while watching those pregnancies on TV and noticing how verbally abused the husband usually gets. Well don't worry it's completely normal because this is the most uncomfortable stage for a delivering mother, how could you blame her. It is during this stage that symptoms such as vomiting, crying, backache, and even possibly trying to back out of the pregnancy will occur. The best thing you could do as a friend or husband at this time would be to  act as cheerful and happy as possible (even though you're probably scared to death), knowing you're scared too will no make matters any better for the mother about to pop a child out of her.  
* This, unfortunately for you the husband, is probably the stage you dread most while watching those pregnancies on TV and noticing how verbally abused the husband usually gets. Well don't worry it's completely normal because this is the most uncomfortable stage for a delivering mother, how could you blame her. It is during this stage that symptoms such as vomiting, crying, backache, and even possibly trying to back out of the pregnancy will occur. The best thing you could do as a friend or husband at this time would be to  act as cheerful and happy as possible (even though you're probably scared to death), knowing you're scared too will no make matters any better for the mother about to pop a child out of her.  

Wenn die Gebärmutter fast komplett geöffnet ist, wird das Kind schon bald in das Geburtskanal gelingen, das wird mit dem Schrei der Mutter begleitet, wenn sie die beschriebenen Verkürzungen wahr nimmt. Das ist ein Signal für die zweite Phase
*As stated earlier, relaxation is the most important part of the delivery. Make sure that she is taking deep breathes (making her stomach rise a fall) but not to fast, for it might result in a temporary tingle sensation in her hands and feet.

*When the womb is almost fully opened the baby will soon enter the birth canal, and there will be a vocalized catch in the mother’s breathing when she has a contraction. The will signal the onset of the second stage [].

=== Stage 2 ===
=== Stage 2 ===
In dieser Phase wird die Mutter versuchen zusammen mit Verkürzungen, das Kind so schnell wie möglich aus sich heraus zu pressen.
* It is during this stage where the mother will become inclined to push along with the transactions in hope of getting the baby out as soon as possible.
Anders als in der ersten Phase, wo die Verkürzungen nah einander waren, liegen die Verkürzungen in der zweiten Phase viel weiter außeinander
Es ist sehr wichtig das in dieser Phase die Mutter und alle in ihrer Umgebung RUHIG sind. Was noch zu beachten ist, dass alle Utensilien die benutzt werden, wirklich steril sind. Position, die die Mutter einnehmen muss, ist folgende. Sie muss auf dem Rücken liegen, Beine müssen in Knien gebeugt sein und so weit außeinander gespreizt sein wie es nur geht.

Wenn der Kopf der Kindes zu sehen ist, muss die Mutter aufhören zu pressen und muss keuchen, so dass das Kind aus der Mutter rausgleiten kann. Sobald das Kopf des Kindes zu sehen ist, muss es mit einer Hand unterstützt werden und jemand muss mit einem sterilen Handtuch das Gesicht des Kindes sauber machen.
* Unlike the contractions of the first stage, which were close together, the contractions of the second stage are a lot farther apart.  
In dieser Phase wird was Kind komplett auf die Welt von der Mutter gebracht

* It is extremely important in this stage that both the mother and everyone around her stays CALM! Another important factor is to make sure all the utensils used are sterile. The position the mother should take at this time would be to lie on her back with her knee's bent and straddled as far apart as possible.

Phase 3
* Once the baby's head is visible it is important for the mother no longer push but pant so that the baby starts to slide out. After the baby's head pops out you must support it with your hand and wipe it's face with a sterile cloth.  
In der letzten Phase findet das Rauskommen der Plazenta statt, auch als „Nachgeburt“ bekannt.  
ist. Wenn Das passiert zwischen ein paar Minuten bis auf ein paar Stunden nachdem das Kind geboren die Plazenta zum Vorschein kommt, greifen Sie sie vorsichtig und drehen Sie sie im Uhrzeigersinn. Danach entbinden Sie den Blindfaden an zwei stellen – etwa sechs Inches vom Kind entfernt– benutzen Sie Hilfsmaterial das vorher im Wasser gekocht wurde oder in einer heißen Flamme gehalten wurde.

* It is also during this stage that the baby is completely delivered from the mother

=== Stage 3 ===
* The final stage in the delivery process is the delivery of the placenta or "afterbirth".

Häufige Fehler und Kompikationen.
* This happens a few minutes to a few hours after the baby is born. When the placenta appears, grasp gently and rotate it clockwise. Then tie the cord in two places--about six inches from the baby--using strips of material that has been boiled or held in a hot flame. []
Nabelstrang um den Halz.

umwickelt ist. Wenn sie in einer solchen Situation sind, pressen sie sanft ihre Finger zwischen dem Nabelstrang und dem Halz des Kindes Eine Komplikation die sehr verbreitet ist, ist wenn der Nabelstrang um den Halz des Kindes und entfernen sie den Nabelstrang mit einer schnellen Bewegung über dem Kopf des Kindes. Was auch immer sie machen, trennen/schneiden sie den Nebelstrang nicht! Wenn es schwerer zu tun ist, als sie es angenommen haben, machen sie sich keine Sorgen und setzen sie mit dem Vorhaben fort.
== Common Mistakes and/or Complications ==
=== Umbilical Cord around the neck ===

*A complication that is very common in a lot of deliveries is where the umbilical cord gets wrapped around the babies neck. If you face a situation such as this work your forefinger between the cord and the baby's neck,  gently but quickly slip the cord over the baby's head. What ever you do, don't cut the chord. If it is harder to slip over the head then you thought don't worry about it and proceed with the delivery.

=== Breech Birth ===
Eine Steißgeburt findet statt, wenn das Kind mit dem Gesäß zuerst und nicht mit dem Kopf auf der Vagina der Mutter rauskommt.
4 Kathegorien.
1. „Frank-Geburt“. Das Kind kommt mit dem Gesäß zuerst.
2. „Komplette Geburt“. Das Kind sitzt mit gekreuzten Beinen.
3. „Alberne Geburt“. Ein oder beide Füße kommen zuest raus.
4. „Kniende Geburt“. Das Kind befindet sich in einer knienden Position, mit einem oder beiden Beinen an den Hüften ausgedehnt und in Knien gebeugt. Das ist selten der Fall.

*Breech birth is when the baby start to come out of the vaginal cavity buttocks first opposed to head first.

'''(4) Categories'''
1. Frank Breech
*the baby's bottom comes out first
2. Complete Breech
*the baby is sitting cross legged
3. Footling Breech
*one or both feet come out first
4. Kneeling Breech
*the baby is in a kneeling position, with one or both legs extended at the hips and flexed at the knees. This
is a rare situation


=== Premature Birth ===
Ein Kind wird als eine Frühgeburt bezeichnet, wenn es nach sieben Monaten geboren wurde oder weniger als fünf und halb Pfund nach der Geburt wiegt.
*A baby is considered premature if he/she was born before seven months, or weighs less than five and one half pounds, after birth.
Frühgeburte sind anfälliger für Atemproblemen und Infektionen, deswegen muss es für solche Kinder noch mehr gesorgt werden.
Verkeilte Schulter.
Übermäßiges Bluten.
Mehrere Geburte.
Appropriate Technology Library.
Mayo Clinic.

*Premature babies are more susceptible to respiratory diseases and infection and must be given special care.[]

=== Others ===
*Wedged Shoulders
*Excessive Bleeding
*Multiple Births

--[[User:Ki Pass|Ki Pass]] 14:35, 5 December 2007 (PST)
== References ==
*Appropriate Technology Library []
*Mayo Clinic[]

[[Category:Health and safety]]
[[Category:Health and safety]]

Revision as of 14:03, 29 October 2011


Emergency Childbirth

When most people think about giving birth they plan on it being in a hospital where the doctors does everything and they do nothing more than push when they're told to -- but complications do occur and sometimes getting to the hospital or getting medical attention to you is impossible, in which case it is always helpful to know what would need to be done in a situation as such.

Three Stages


Stage 1

  • The main purpose of the first stage is for the womb contracts by itself to open and bring the baby down the birth canal [2]. This found much easier if the mother is kept calm and relaxed as well as occupied.
The following events occur as part of the first stage of labor and delivery.
1. The state of dilation: the first signs may be noticeable only to the mother, low-backache and irregular  
cramping pains (contractions) in the lower abdomen.
2. As labor progresses, the contractions become stronger, last longer, and become more regular. When the  
contractions recur at regular 3-4 minute intervals and last from 50-60 seconds, the mother is in the latter part of the first stage.
3. The contractions will get stronger and more frequent. The mother will often make an involuntary, deep  
grunting, moan with each contraction. The delivery of the baby is now imminent. 
  • An important thing to know for friends or family members with the mother is to time her contractions so they know how far along she is. You will do this by placing your hand on her abdomen and timing from the moment it starts to get hard to the moment it becomes

fully relaxed. It is also very important to be extremely attentive to the mother. For instance if she is thirsty, get her a drink (particularly ice chips), if she is hungry, bring her a small amount of food. The main concern for a safe a healthy delivery is to make sure the mother is completely relaxed.

  • This, unfortunately for you the husband, is probably the stage you dread most while watching those pregnancies on TV and noticing how verbally abused the husband usually gets. Well don't worry it's completely normal because this is the most uncomfortable stage for a delivering mother, how could you blame her. It is during this stage that symptoms such as vomiting, crying, backache, and even possibly trying to back out of the pregnancy will occur. The best thing you could do as a friend or husband at this time would be to act as cheerful and happy as possible (even though you're probably scared to death), knowing you're scared too will no make matters any better for the mother about to pop a child out of her.
  • As stated earlier, relaxation is the most important part of the delivery. Make sure that she is taking deep breathes (making her stomach rise a fall) but not to fast, for it might result in a temporary tingle sensation in her hands and feet.
  • When the womb is almost fully opened the baby will soon enter the birth canal, and there will be a vocalized catch in the mother’s breathing when she has a contraction. The will signal the onset of the second stage [4].

Stage 2
  • It is during this stage where the mother will become inclined to push along with the transactions in hope of getting the baby out as soon as possible.
  • Unlike the contractions of the first stage, which were close together, the contractions of the second stage are a lot farther apart.
  • It is extremely important in this stage that both the mother and everyone around her stays CALM! Another important factor is to make sure all the utensils used are sterile. The position the mother should take at this time would be to lie on her back with her knee's bent and straddled as far apart as possible.
  • Once the baby's head is visible it is important for the mother no longer push but pant so that the baby starts to slide out. After the baby's head pops out you must support it with your hand and wipe it's face with a sterile cloth.
  • It is also during this stage that the baby is completely delivered from the mother

Stage 3

  • The final stage in the delivery process is the delivery of the placenta or "afterbirth".
  • This happens a few minutes to a few hours after the baby is born. When the placenta appears, grasp gently and rotate it clockwise. Then tie the cord in two places--about six inches from the baby--using strips of material that has been boiled or held in a hot flame. [5]

Common Mistakes and/or Complications

Umbilical Cord around the neck

  • A complication that is very common in a lot of deliveries is where the umbilical cord gets wrapped around the babies neck. If you face a situation such as this work your forefinger between the cord and the baby's neck, gently but quickly slip the cord over the baby's head. What ever you do, don't cut the chord. If it is harder to slip over the head then you thought don't worry about it and proceed with the delivery.

Breech Birth

  • Breech birth is when the baby start to come out of the vaginal cavity buttocks first opposed to head first.
(4) Categories
1. Frank Breech
*the baby's bottom comes out first
2. Complete Breech
*the baby is sitting cross legged 
3. Footling Breech
*one or both feet come out first
4. Kneeling Breech
*the baby is in a kneeling position, with one or both legs extended at the hips and flexed at the knees. This 
is a rare situation


Premature Birth

  • A baby is considered premature if he/she was born before seven months, or weighs less than five and one half pounds, after birth.
  • Premature babies are more susceptible to respiratory diseases and infection and must be given special care.[7]


  • Wedged Shoulders
  • Excessive Bleeding
  • Multiple Births
  • Convulsions


  • Med-Help[8]
  • Appropriate Technology Library [9]
  • Mayo Clinic[10]
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