How it's Made

Figure 1: Ecoladrillo Bottles

Plastics bottles are washed and dried, generally done as a community effort as they are used. Each family unit in the community then stores the plastic bottles, and then begins depositing waste in the bottles. The criteria for what goes in the bottle is general , plastic bags, aluminum foil, and Styrofoam maybe deposited, however none of the contents may be wet or dirty. The material is then occasionally compacted as the bottles are filled. The bottle is then a component and is used a filled in a ladrillo.[1]

Appropriate Uses

Ecoladrillo is light weight and requires less raw material than other conventional forms of building. It has several advantages over conventional building it is lower weight, are very poor conductors of heat, . The construction components obtained are poor conductors of heat so provide a excellent thermal insulation than other traditional fencing similar resistance to other enclosures made with traditional building blocks. The building blocks of recycled plastics have similar water absorption to other traditional walls.

The Challenges of Eco ladrillo is that although it drastically cuts the cost of raw materials, it requires a lot of man power. Bricks made out of recycled plastics have less resistance than other building materials, but enough to be used as walls of houses with independent seismic structure.[2]



  1. Llamada a la Conciencscia (2011). “Ecoladrillos: Una solución ecológica para la construcción.”. <> (June 7, 2011).
  2. Fundacion casa de la Paz 2010). “Ecoladrillos: Una alternativa para reutilizar residuos plásticos.”. <> (June 7, 2011).
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