
While considering the power consumed by us we often forget or neglect to count in our electronic devices like the wireless internet router which runs for almost 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Though it consumes very small amount of power it amounts to a lot, the following statics will give a clearer view of the scenario.

Assuming you do not turn your router off, this would equate to 0.24kWh / day and 87.6kWh annually, costing approximately 5.25$ per year to run and emitting 48kg of CO2. Approximately there are 81,744,000 households in the USA with a broadband connection, if each of these used wi-fi and never turned it off we would be using 7160MWh per year, spend 429,646,464$ per annum, and emit 3923712 tonnes of CO2.

So instead of using conventional sources to power the wireless routers we can do that using solar photovoltaics, there by reducing CO2 emissions completely, and saving a lot of money.

Basic considerations and assumptions

Design of Photo voltaic system

Design of Controller

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