The following presentation and results are from Lonny Grafman's talk at the RCEA on November 11th, 2009.


The presentation video can be found at The slides are at


Participants were given three minutes to come up with examples of Humboldt County communities that excel in food sustainability. They were then asked to come up with any community that exemplifies energy sustainability. The following notes were generated from this exercise:

Humboldt Food Sustainability

  • Mad River Hospital Garden
  • Oyster Farming
  • Home grown food - live off land (Arcata proper)
  • Crab
  • Organic CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture)
  • Blackberries - Zimmerman's Jam (Local)
  • SoHum CSA
  • Wild Food
  • Shale's animal rotation
  • Chestnuts
  • Orchards/Root Crops (beets, apples, carrots, sweet peas)
  • Co-Op's
  • CSA - CR/Petrolia
  • Lawn/grass Fed Animals
  • Arcata Elementay Local Food Salad Bar
  • Community Gardens
  • Food for People
  • Community Alliance w/ Family Farmers
  • Acorns
  • Dairy Industry
  • Tofu Shop
  • Arcata Educational Farm
  • Shakefork Grain Farm
  • Food Not Lawns + Foodscapes
  • Homegrown Eggs

Exemplary Sustainable Energy Communities

  • Solar City of Austria
  • Iceland
  • Israel - Solar Water Heaters
  • Amish Community
  • Crete
  • New Jersey - Solar Panel w/ Inverter on Every Electric Pole
  • SoHum - offthe grid
  • Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
  • Totnes, England
  • Denmark - Island Powered Wind Energy
  • Amsterdam - Transportation
  • Battery Exchanges - Gas Station - Electric Vehicles
  • UC Davis West Village
  • China - Bio City
  • Shell 60 Megawatt Station in Ferndale
  • PG&E Plant - upgraded - 40% efficient (turn on and off as needed - incorporate renewables)
  • Sonoma County Energy Independence Program ($30 million in renewable energy + energy retrofits in 9 months!)
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