Template:Talk header

Past Projects

Project Meeting Time Primary Secondary Projects
Utilities Kingston, LIDAR, Renewable Energy Mapping Tuesday 1030-1100am Ha
PV System Design(Racking, snow/SET, demos) Tuesday 1130-1200 Rob Solar Powered Queen's
PVT and Spectral Selective Coatings Tuesday 1230-1:00 Mike
InGaN Solar Cells Tuesday 1-1:30pm Dirk Solar Powered Queen's
First Nations Sustainability (Constance Lake) Tuesday 130-200 Nicole NPO
PV+CHP Tuesday 2-230pm Amir Miller Hall, Appropedia -GreenIT, AP
Open Source Appropriate Technology Tuesday 230-300 Ivana
Snow and PV Tuesday 3-330pm Tyler Ha(consult), Rob(consult)
Everything 330-500 Friday

Nicol Conference Room

Everyone in Group
Queens Green IT With Dr. Webster's group Jacqueline, Koray Amir, Ivana

Future Projects?

Energy Economy TBA
Waste silicon dioxide tba Amir?, Rob?
Salary vs Hunger tba
open source toxins tba
Project Primary Secondary

Nicol Conference Room

InGaN Solar Cells Steven, Matthew, Dirk Emily, 460 group
PVT and Spectral Selective Coatings Emily, Mike Kadra, Colin

LCA /Energy Cannibalism Renee, Colin Amy
Energy Economy Colin, Renee Kadra, Emily

Gov. PV Manufacturing Kadra Amy, Ha
Banking for Solar Kadra Emily
Renewable Energy Region Lindsay Kadra, Ha
Open Source Appropriate Technology Amy Lindsay, Emily
LIDAR, Solar Mapping Ha Matthew
PV System Design Amir, Ha Lindsay, Renee
Google Earth Renewable Energy Region Ha Lindsay
460 group PV+water 10:30-11:30 Tuesday Emily, Tyler, Jasmine, Cary
Wind Desalination *1200-1230 Tuesday Ha (836)
Insurance subsidy *4-430pm Tuesday Ivana (836)
460 group InGaN 1030-1130 Wed Steven, Mathew, +2
Industrial Symbiosis in PV manufacturing *130-200pm Wed. Rob (836) Dirk
Transport PV or PV app 2-230pm Wed. Elizabeth (836) Amir
Wind FIT *2:30-3:00pm Wed. Amir(836) Ha(consult)
Gov. PV Manufacturing 4-5pm Wed. Nicole (Policy on Design 836) Amir (Kadra*) Ivana (consult)
Sustainable Mining 1:30-2:00 Thursday Chris
Mech836 300-500 Friday

Nicol Conference Room


tracking all pages

Awesome work.

To have all relevant pages linked here, either:

1. The header template {{QASpage}} should include the code:

[[Category:Queens Applied Sustainability Group]]

or 2. add a simple link to all pages using the QAS header.

--Chriswaterguy 16:43, 2 November 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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