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#* Volunteers must provide classes with an email address that can be used for support questions.
#* Volunteers must provide classes with an email address that can be used for support questions.
#* Volunteers should consider how the write-ups could be improved, and either make or suggest improvements on the appropriate talk pages
#* Volunteers should consider how the write-ups could be improved, and either make or suggest improvements on the appropriate talk pages

Revision as of 14:13, 13 April 2010

This category is for wiki savvy volunteers that are willing to provide simple support to language educators and their students who are working to translate Appropedia articles. These educators and students are multilingual, but not necessarily knowledgeable in practical wiki things, such as table formatting, categorization or moving pages. Based on past experience, this work is not burdensome. Nevertheless, the support and availability of a volunteer significantly reduces the anxiety of new educators and students for whom the wiki is unfamiliar territory.

Prospective volunteers in this area would be expected to do the following:

  1. Respond to a request from an educator who is planning a course-based translation project.
  2. Coordinate with the educator on whether their respective schedules allow for a "match"
  3. Arrange a pre-course "prep session" to familiarize the educator with the wiki
    • Note: How-to write-ups (Note: add link!) are available to educators and students. Volunteers should look them over (and potentially improve them)
  4. Arrange an in-class "wiki launch" event where students are introduced to the wiki.
    • For the launch, volunteers should be available in real time, either in person (if practical) or via conference call, Skype or "webex" type connection.
    • Volunteers must provide classes with an email address that can be used for support questions.
    • Volunteers should consider how the write-ups could be improved, and either make or suggest improvements on the appropriate talk pages

Pages in category "Course-based translation helpers"

This category contains only the following page.

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