

This project will involve turning an unused hillside at CCAT into a useful space for growing plants, and also to stabilize the nearby hillside against possible erosion. The plot will also be landscaped to be aesthetically pleasing and to more fully integrate it with the rest of CCAT.

The project will be finished over the course of the Spring 2011 semester.


Literature Review


The areas where plants are to be grown can be mulched in order to add nutrients to the soil, which is primarily clay throughout most of the hillside. Mulch can be created from shredded newspaper, certain types of plastics, and other natural materials to cover the ground and prevent weeds from spreading.[1] For this project, mulch will be spread over the entire remediation zone to prevent incursion by weeds, with gaps left for the plants that will be planted at various places called 'Grow-through mulch'. This will not only allow plants to grow but will serve as a spot that organic materials can be disposed of and utilized as new mulch for the remediation area.


  1. How To Make A Forest Garden
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