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The CCAT Solar Charging Station is a work in progress by a group of Environmental Science students from Humboldt State University. The charging station will be a resource for students and faculty to use off-grid solar power to charge their cell phones and laptops. The project will provide this service to the campus and will also be another educational demonstration at the Campus Center of Appropriate Technology. The design will show each component clearly in the way it is set up and educational signs will explain how everything is working. Our design will also include a guest book that users can sign, so that we can gauge how popular the charging station will become.

The Campus Center of Appropriate Technology is a demonstration house located on the Humboldt State University campus that is a resource for students and faculty. CCAT has many different technologies on display such as: solar panels, rainwater catchment, organic gardens, a greywater marsh, and an experimental composting toilet, among other things. These projects are on display as educational tools to the community and information is provided through CCAT and on Appropedia on how to recreate these technologies on your own. The Solar Charging Station at CCAT will align with the mission of CCAT to provide education and resources to the community, by clearly expressing how off-grid solar works, while being functional for cell phone/laptop charging.

Understanding the market

What we have:

  • 10 functioning solar panels donated to CCAT
  • A kiosk in the center of CCAT as a space to set up our system
  • Scrap metal and wood
  • High quality 2 x 4s
  • CCAT tools/hardware

What we need:

  • A sealed battery
  • Charge controller
  • Waytek USB outlets
  • USB split plug for multiple chargers
  • Educational sign

Project goals

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