(redirect to RCEA Climate Crusaders)
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== Abstract ==
#REDIRECT [[RCEA Climate Crusaders]]
<center>''This webpage is about the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) Educational Box project. The purpose of this project was to create an educational box with teaching material for high school teachers in Humboldt County. The teaching material provided is about the cause and effects of climate change.''</center>
== Background ==
As stated by the EPA, climate change refers to any significant change in measures of climate such as temperature, precipitation, or wind lasting for an extended period, decades or longer.  The Climate Change box incorporates a set of teaching materials. Included in the box is an introduction and conclusion PowerPoint, a Greenhouse effect experiment and a climate change game.
== Problem Statement and Criteria ==
The objective of this design project is to build an educational kit/box that will be used by teachers to educate students on environmental and energy issues of the world.  Working with our client, Oliver Hulland of the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA), the educational kit/box will be distributed and maintained for continual use in the local schools of Humboldt County.
 Durability: High school students will be handling the design. The design must be able to withstand a minimum of a year’s worth of use.
 Safety: All materials used should not be harmful to the students. If there are hazardous materials they must be handled by a teacher/supervisor.
 Cost: Maximum amount of $400 for the design project. $100 coming from the client and $75 from each group member.
 Level of Engagement: Display should keep the interest of high school students to the point where they learn efficiently.
 Age Appropriateness: The box should target high school students to be able to learn without any difficulties.
 Ease of Use: The display should be simple enough for high school students to be able to use and understand without any difficulty.
 Ease of Maintenance: The educational box should not have any complications when maintaining the upkeep of the items.
 Transportability: The box should be easy to transport to and from the classroom by anyone including the teacher or an RCEA employee.
 Educational Value: The display should offer a lot to teach high school students about climate change.
 Aesthetics:  The educational box should be built with quality and pleasing to the eye for the students and the teachers.
== Description of Final Project ==
We chose to use the Decision Matrix Technique also known as the Delphi Method to help achieve our final decision. We weighted each of our criteria in section II on a one to ten scale, one being the least important criterion and ten being the most important criterion. We each looked at the criteria and individually weighted the criteria, then we collaborated and discussed on what we thought was the correct numbered weight for each criteria and we adjusted and agreed on each weight.
The next step in the decision process was to layout each one of our alternatives solutions and as a team we graded each solution by every weighted criterion. We graded the solution on a 0 to 50 scales, 0 not meeting the criterion and 50 meeting the criterion the most as the raw score for each solution.  From then using the Delphi method we multiplied each weight by the raw score from our 0 to 50 scales to get a total for that criterion for each solution. Over time of disagreement and adjusting scores we graded each criterion to each alternative solution and added the totals
The power point lecture will be a slide lecture made by us that will educate students on the various aspects of climate change.  This lecture will be as educational as possible while being fun enough for students to remain interested.  Using animations, sound effects, music, video clips, and pictures will make the learning experience more effective.  Not only will the power point emphasize anthropogenic climate change, but climate change caused by nature and the earth’s natural cycles of warming and cooling.  Discussing every possible aspect of climate change will be important in establishing a solid base for what the actual known facts scientists have proven on the theory of climate change.  By educating students on known and proven facts, there will be fewer students put off by climate change which has been misinformed to the public by media outlets, politicians, and companies.  Needed materials for this power point presentation are:
 Computer with Microsoft Power Point installed
 Projector connected to computer and screen
The main lesson in this experiment would be the demonstration of the greenhouse effect.  With light bulbs, heat can be transferred into the greenhouse and the temperature will be measured over time inside the model using a thermometer. The greenhouse’s power to retain heat will become evident to the class. Plant life and/or CO2 can be inside the model during the experiment to show the different effects given different circumstances.
This game simulates the Cap and Trade policy for companies and industry to reduce greenhouse gas production through economic incentives.  Students will team up in groups and act as a single industrial unit that produces a certain amount of pollution every month.  Based on their decisions to buy, save, and sell emission allowances, the group that successfully earns the most money by the end of a certain time limit wins the game.  By mimicking this policy, students can learn of the positive effects for the environment and companies through producing less greenhouse emissions.
Groups are assigned a company with a set amount of emissions each month and a certain amount of emission allowances which can be bought, saved, or sold.  The teacher will act as the guide who keeps track of each group’s actions and records the amount of savings, allowances, and trading that takes place during the game.  Needed materials necessary for this game are:
 Teacher Instructions (print out)
 White or chalk board
 Chalk or white board pen
== Costs ==
The cost of implementation is the cost it took needed to build and create the three-part box. Table 5.1 displays the amount needed to build and supply the products and materials for the box. The total combined cost for the final design cost $ 171.13.
The maintenance for the box should be relatively simple and inexpensive.
The majority of maintenance to the box includes replacing CO2 cartridges and dead light bulbs. The CO2 cartridges and light bulbs can be purchased from a supplier whose information will be provided inside the box. Enough CO2 will be supplied initially to last about a year. After the CO2 has run out, new CO2 will have to be supplied by the RCEA.  The model greenhouses should be kept clean for aesthetic purposes.
Laminated copies of handouts for students will be provided inside the box. Copies will need to be made by the RCEA or the teacher using the box. The total cost of the box per year will a maximum of 25 dollars.
== Discussion and Next Steps ==
== References ==

Latest revision as of 20:53, 29 June 2010

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