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To keep track of recent changes to all the pages linked above, check Recent changes to community discussion pages. You may also place a {{Discussion tracker}} on your user talk page.

Special need

At the moment, Appropedia is particularly seeking a volunteer to help us develop some specialized RSS / XML delivery functionality to enable us to exchange content with a closely aligned partner. The existing mediawiki extensions are close, but not quite there. We'd appreciate some guidance/suggestions/help. Drop us a note at my talk page if you have any to offer. Thanks!

How to help

There are many ways that you can contribute to Appropedia.

  • Spread the word. Read articles and share them with others. Add a link to Appropedia to your email signature.
  • Add links to other related useful web content that you know of.
    • Use the "External links" section. You can create it by inserting "==External links==" on a line by itself.
  • Improve the formatting, readability, spelling or grammar of articles. Many excellent contributions are provided by authors who are not native English speakers. For more information, see this section.
  • Help Appropedia achieve its goal of centralizing its target content by porting some of the many articles that we have already received permission to republish.
  • If you know of some other great content that would be great to see at Appropedia, please let us know by leaving a note in this section.
  • Become a steward of a collection of articles in a topic category. Write overview articles that explain the how the other articles tie together. Create links between related articles.
  • Propose, create and manage a portal about a particular topic, or associated with a particular organization or community. See this section.
  • Are you an expert willing to help people implement sustainable solutions? Register and create a user page, and add links to your user page from articles about the topics in your areas of expertise.

Do what you have passion for:


  • Spelling and grammar errors drive you crazy?
    • Check the Articles asking spelling and grammar review page to find articles listed by authors asking for assistance.
    • Or, if the category above is empty, look over other articles for errors, and then commit the satisfying act of correction.
      1. Click the edit tab, or one of the section edit links ([edit]). This will open an edit window.
      2. Find and correct the offending part
      3. Write a quick summary and click save page.
      4. Thank you. You've improved an important tool for sustaining the world.
  • Have areas of expertise?
    • Search for articles in those areas
    • Contribute by clicking the edit tab or the discussion tab.

Port (integrate) useful content into Appropedia pages

  • Willing to help others port their content to Appropedia?
    • Visit Appropedia:Port pages to find folks that are looking for some help
    • "Register" yourself as a "Porting Helper" by copy/pasting the following at the bottom of your user page:
      [[Category:Porting helpers]]

Maintain a portal and/or moderate a topic

Take ownership of a corner of Appropedia.

  • Create a new portal
  • Sign up for a stint at managing an existing portal
  • Take a shot at moderating a topic

Portals are "entry pages" or "landing pages" for users with specific interests. We need folks who can maintain a topic portal, and/or manage many articles related to a topic. If you have an interest in a particular topic and are willing to commit a few hours per week to Appropedia for a month or more, we would like to hear from you! Please leave us a note on the discussion page (click the discussion tab above), or see here to see how to send an email to a member of the Appropedia team.



Built an amazing appropriate technology project or worked on a sustainable development process?

  • Create a page and tell the world about it. Let others learn from your experience and receive feedback from others.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

Community/Organization Members

Part of a appropriate technology/sustainable development community or organization?

  • Create a page that advertises your organization and provides a working space for your organizational needs, such as contracts, upcoming events, maps, collaborative grants, etc.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc


Are you a teacher?

  • Post your coursework, schedule or lecture notes.
  • Consider making Appropedia a part of your curriculum. Students can post and edit about sustainability, this allows them to take part in a global context, receive broader feedback, learn mediawiki (very simple, but useful) and more easily collaborate with peers.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

Program Directors

Are you part of the directing of a program, intensive, workshop or school?

  • Create a page that advertises your organization and provides a working space for your program goals, such as curriculum, important contacts, contracts, schedule of classes, upcoming events, collaborative work, etc.
  • See Category:Parras for an example.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

Thesis Authors

Do you have a Thesis that should be shared?

  • Create a page and post it here
  • If your thesis in word format consider using word2wiki
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

How to'ers

Know how to do something appropriate really well?

  • Search for a page on it.
    • If a page already exists, add your knowledge.
    • If no page exists, create one and tell us how to do what it is you do.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

Local resource finder

Do you know where to find the inexpensive, useful, appropriate local resources?

  • Search for: your area supplies. e.g. Humboldt CA supplies
    • If a page already exists, add your knowledge.
    • If no page exists, create one and tell us where to find the good resources.
  • Include the following category at the bottom of your new page: Template:Tlc

Have a passion that you didn't see listed?

  • Leave a note on the discussion page above, or click here to send an email to a member of the Appropedia team.

See Also

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