Challenge Response (limit 1500 words).

"The Buckminster Fuller Challenge seeks submissions of design science solutions[1] within a broad range of human endeavor that exemplify the trimtab principle. Trimtabs[2] demonstrate how small amounts of energy and resources precisely applied at the right time and place can produce maximum advantageous change."[1]
"In order to win The Buckminster Fuller Challenge, your entry must clearly convey how your solution exemplifies the trimtab principle and meets the Entry Criteria stated below."[2]

Entry criteria

Comprehensive — a clear demonstration of holistic systems thinking.

Anticipatory — projectively tracking critical trends and needs; identifying and assessing long term consequences of proposed solutions.

Ecologically responsible — reflective and supportive of nature's underlying processes, patterns and principles.

Verifiable — able to withstand rigorous empirical testing.

Replicable — capable of being readily undertaken by others.

Achievable — likely to be implemented successfully and broadly adopted.

Outline - what needs to be described

Within the context of these criteria, please address the following: (*)

1. Describe the problem(s) you intend to solve and/or the preferred state you intend to achieve.

2. Describe your solution and your plan to implement it.

3. Describe how you will finance your solution and make it economically viable.

4. Describe who will take your solution to the next stage of development (include your qualifications and/or those of your team, and any strategic partners).

Starting with Lonny, list admins & active "inner circle" people and their roles.

And yet, in an equally important/more important/very real sense, it is the community of Appropedians, those who join in and include their projects and share their knowledge, who are fulfilling the vision, taking it to higher stages.

Footnotes and references

  1. In the words of Buckminster Fuller, Design Science is "effective application of the principles of science to the conscious design of our total environment in order to help make the Earth's finite resources meet the needs of all humanity without disrupting the ecological processes of the planet." -
  2. In design science, the trimtab metaphor is used to describe an artifact, or system, specifically designed and placed in the environment at such a time, in such a place, where its effects would be maximized, thereby effecting the most advantageous change with the least resources, time and energy. Doing more with less. - ...more
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