From the AAEA website:

"President Bush on Diversity Compared to Traditional Environmental Groups

Where is the Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Rod Paige or Alphonso Jackson in the environmental movement? They do not exist. The environmental movement is segregated, arrogant and secretly proud of their elitism. President Bush's cabinet is much more substantive and diverse than the entire environmental movement and former President Clinton's cabinet in terms of African American participation.

AAEA bellieves the African American community is as American as apple pie and should be appreciated for its distinction just as people crave Chinese, Italian and Greek restaurants. It should not be considered negative just because it has 'African American' in the prefix.

Traditional environmental organizations should call President Bush and Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich and ask them how to hire Blacks in high-level positions. Traditional environmental organizations do not even hire Blacks in low-level professional positions. No research assistants, no research associates, no project and program directors, no vice presidents -- nothing, except secretaries and receptionists. Simple logic dictates that we have a better chance with President Bush than with most of the traditional, condescending environmental organizations and the foundations supporting their elitism."

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