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===Koichiro Saga and Takeshi Hattori, “[ Identification and Removal of Trace Organic Contamination on Silicon Wafers Stored in Plastic Boxes]” ''Journal of The Electrochemical Society'', '''143'''(10), 3279-3284, 1996.===
===Koichiro Saga and Takeshi Hattori, “[ Identification and Removal of Trace Organic Contamination on Silicon Wafers Stored in Plastic Boxes]” ''Journal of The Electrochemical Society'', '''143'''(10), 3279-3284, 1996.===
* SUMMARY: TD-GC/MS is used to study organic contaminants originated form plastic boxes supplied by major Si wafer vendors. Also outgassing from the box materials is studied to identify the source of contaminants. Various wet cleaning solutions are evaluated based on their ability to remove such contaminants.
* Volatile organic contaminants adsorb onto wafer surface from polymeric wafer boxes.
* Dilute HF or ozonized ultrapure water can be used to entirely remove the organic contaminants.
* After cleaning, organic contaminants adsorb more easily on the ozonized water-treated surface than on the dilute HF-treated surface.
* Adsorption of organic contaminants can be reduced by preventing native oxide growth in N2 atmosphere after HF dip.
* In the past, organic contaminants have been detected by XPS, TOF-SIMS, FTIR or thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). More suitable options are TD-GC/MS or TD-IMS/MS.
* Wafers stored in four different boxes from different suppliers for more than one month. No wafer cleaning beforehand.
* All boxes were polypropylene: some parts were made of several kind of plastics (including polycarbonate) or thermoplastic polyester elastomers.
* TD-GC/MS used to analyze the contaminants on wafer surfaces. Desorption by heating up to 400 C in an inert gas.
* HS-GC/MS used to analyze outgassing of the box materials.
* Different wet cleanings applied to wafers prior to storage: NH4OH/H2O2, H2SO4/H2O2, HNO3, dilute HF, O3/H2O
* Storage for 1 month in a box, interior continuously purged with N2 or O2 (5 l/min)
* The lower the vapor pressure and/or smaller the molecular weight of the contaminant compounds, the more easily they will adsorb onto the surface.
* H2SO4/H2O2 and HNO3 could not completely remove a monolayer of organic contaminants. Dilute HF and O3/H2O succeeded in this. Reasons for these discussed in the paper, relates to the polarity of the molecules.

===K. J. Budde, W. J. Holzapfel, and M. M. Beyer , “[ Application of Ion Mobility Spectrometry to Semiconductor Technology: Outgassings of Advanced Polymers under Thermal Stress]” ''Journal of The Electrochemical Society'', '''142'''(3), 888-897, 1995.===
===K. J. Budde, W. J. Holzapfel, and M. M. Beyer , “[ Application of Ion Mobility Spectrometry to Semiconductor Technology: Outgassings of Advanced Polymers under Thermal Stress]” ''Journal of The Electrochemical Society'', '''142'''(3), 888-897, 1995.===
* Outgassing characteristics of PP, PC, PFA, PVDF, ABS and PTFE
* Outgassing characteristics of PP, PC, PFA, PVDF, ABS and PTFE

Revision as of 08:11, 8 November 2017

Search Terms

  • "storage box" AND particles AND cleanroom

Organic airborne contamination on Si wafers (Toni)

===Walter Dena, Hsunling Bai, and Yuhao Kang, “[ Organic Airborne Molecular Contamination in Semiconductor Fabrication Clean Rooms A Review]” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 153(2), G149-G159, 2006.===

Yong-Jun Liu and Hua-Zhong Yu, “Effect of Organic Contamination on the Electrical Degradation of Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon upon Exposure to Air under Ambient ConditionsJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 150(12), G861-G865, 2003.

Hitoshi Habuka, Syuichi Ishiwari, Haruo Kato, Manabu Shimada, and Kikuo Okuyamad, “Airborne Organic Contamination Behavior on Silicon Wafer SurfaceJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 150(2), G148-G154, 2003.

  • The fundamental behavior of airborne organic contaminants is modelled using the MOSAIC model developed by the authors in earlier publications. In addition, the silicon plate sampling (SPS) method is used experimentally.
  • The maximum concentration of contaminants and ratio of desorption and adsorption are independently described from each other by the model.
  • Conclusion: The nature of airborne organic contamination can be comprehensively evaluated by integrating MOSAIC model and SPS method.

Syuichi Ishiwari, Haruo Kato, and Hitoshi Habuka, “Development of Evaluation Method for Organic Contamination on Silicon Wafer SurfacesJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 148(11), G644-G648, 2001.

  • A “silicon plate method” is developed to evaluate the amount of organic contamination on a Si wafer surface coming from cleanroom air.
  • As the amount of some organic species start to decrease after a peak concentration, it seems that organic species compete for the adsorption sites on Si wafer surfaces.
  • Traditional way to measure organic contamination really complex (WTD-GC-MS or TOF SIMS)
  • In this developed method, TD-GC-MS (thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry) is still used, but one heating step is removed. Contamination is evaluated directly from the Si plate, and additional exposure to cleanroom air is prevented.
  • Time-dependent behavior of contamination adsorption is evaluated by multicomponent organic species adsorption-induced contamination (MOSAIC) model.

Hitoshi Habuka, Manabu Shimada and Kikuo Okuyama, “Adsorption and Desorption Rate of Multicomponent Organic Species on Silicon Wafer SurfaceJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 148(7), G365-G369, 2001.

Fumitoshi Sugimoto and Sigeru Okamura, “Adsorption Behavior of Organic Contaminants on a Silicon Wafer SurfaceJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 146(7), 2725-2729, 1999.

  • The authors study behavior of organic contaminants absorbed onto Si wafer surface by solvent-dissolution GC-MS technique.


  • Wafers precleaned via RCA, wafers covered with native oxide
  • Wafers expose to a conventional cleanroom for several hours and placed vertically on a quartz carrier
  • Other wafers were sealed and stored for several days in two polypropylene boxes (commercially finished products): (i) not used prior the experiment (“new box”), (ii) box was left open in clean room for several months before the experiment (“used box”)
  • Exposure time and storage time varied
  • Characterization by GC-MS analysis:
    • Organic contaminants collected by dissolving them in a solvent (pure acetone used: suitable for this kind of study, see details from the paper)
    • Contaminants then studied from the solvent


  • Cleanroom air
    • Organic contaminants found from a wafer exposed to clean room air for only 1 h
    • Different contaminants are found after 24 h cleanroom air exposure than after 1 h exposure
    • Contaminants with low boiling point were adsorbed immediately and decreased with exposure time; those with high bp increased with exposure time (does not apply for everything) => Organic contaminants having a low boiling point were replaced by those with higher boiling points
  • New box
    • No cleanroom airborne contaminants found but other contaminants resulting from the plastic additives: crosslinking agent (DAB), antioxidant (DBQ) and plasticizer (DBP)
  • Used box
    • Airborne contamination peaks found due to contamination already present in the box which was stored open beforehand. Nevertheless, the amount considerable smaller than on wafers stored in cleanroom air directly.
    • In this case, the adsorption time did not depend on the boiling points of the contaminants but instead on their structure: Contaminants containing C=O or S=O groups were adsorbed immediately; those having -O- groups only after several days. This is due to different polarities of the molecules.

Koichiro Saga and Takeshi Hattori, “Identification and Removal of Trace Organic Contamination on Silicon Wafers Stored in Plastic BoxesJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 143(10), 3279-3284, 1996.

  • SUMMARY: TD-GC/MS is used to study organic contaminants originated form plastic boxes supplied by major Si wafer vendors. Also outgassing from the box materials is studied to identify the source of contaminants. Various wet cleaning solutions are evaluated based on their ability to remove such contaminants.
  • Volatile organic contaminants adsorb onto wafer surface from polymeric wafer boxes.
  • Dilute HF or ozonized ultrapure water can be used to entirely remove the organic contaminants.
  • After cleaning, organic contaminants adsorb more easily on the ozonized water-treated surface than on the dilute HF-treated surface.
  • Adsorption of organic contaminants can be reduced by preventing native oxide growth in N2 atmosphere after HF dip.
  • In the past, organic contaminants have been detected by XPS, TOF-SIMS, FTIR or thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). More suitable options are TD-GC/MS or TD-IMS/MS.


  • Wafers stored in four different boxes from different suppliers for more than one month. No wafer cleaning beforehand.
  • All boxes were polypropylene: some parts were made of several kind of plastics (including polycarbonate) or thermoplastic polyester elastomers.
  • TD-GC/MS used to analyze the contaminants on wafer surfaces. Desorption by heating up to 400 C in an inert gas.
  • HS-GC/MS used to analyze outgassing of the box materials.
  • Different wet cleanings applied to wafers prior to storage: NH4OH/H2O2, H2SO4/H2O2, HNO3, dilute HF, O3/H2O
  • Storage for 1 month in a box, interior continuously purged with N2 or O2 (5 l/min)


  • The lower the vapor pressure and/or smaller the molecular weight of the contaminant compounds, the more easily they will adsorb onto the surface.
  • H2SO4/H2O2 and HNO3 could not completely remove a monolayer of organic contaminants. Dilute HF and O3/H2O succeeded in this. Reasons for these discussed in the paper, relates to the polarity of the molecules.

K. J. Budde, W. J. Holzapfel, and M. M. Beyer , “Application of Ion Mobility Spectrometry to Semiconductor Technology: Outgassings of Advanced Polymers under Thermal StressJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 142(3), 888-897, 1995.

  • Outgassing characteristics of PP, PC, PFA, PVDF, ABS and PTFE
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