Trans-entrepreneurship - Transpreneurship.

Transpreneurship should be the supreme action of a wise sustainopreneur who realises the necessity of transforming a bankruptcy buisness to a profitable ditto specially during hard and tough times as now when the financial crises are on the heels of each other.

Transpreneurship is about transforming, sharing and using/ re-using, cycling/ re-cycling our ressources as well as our best "know how", multi-laterally and multi-horisontally but also transglocally in both short- and long-term for the best of 14ALL41!

Transpreneurship is an alternative entrepreneurship that is for innovation, prevention and action and is open for wise and alternative currencies!

Transpreneurs are individuals or joint organisms who do their best to find new ways to improve the life/ situation/ environment for all concerned glocally and interdependently.

Welcome![edit source]


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Delighted to have you here, --Steven M.

Very interesting! --Steven M. 18:33, 28 April 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi Steven! Thank you very much for your feedback! And nice to meet you! I don´t yet know how it works over here but with time I suppose I will learn more! Will do my best to Exchange for the Better Change! Best regards and keep in touch!

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